On this information you have her as dying in 1318 and 1333, which is correct.
Did she have a son who was called Robert Duke 1300 - ?
We have a family tree that goes to Alice Loveday DUKE
But there seems to be no evidence that he is the son of Margaret, but I have seem a few Ancestry trees that
list him as being her son.....anyone shed some light on this information
Cheers Ron
Have you any idea who could have been the father of Robert Duke? When he was born around 1300, it should have been her husband Duke John II of Brabant, but at that time John II already had many mistresses and their illegitimate children. It seems rather unlikely.
Kind regards,
Carl Gustav Verbraeken.
She did not have a son called Robert Duke.
Medlands on jean de Brabant:
Medlands on Margaret:
Thank you both for your input, true I cannot find any connection of Robert Duke to the Brabant's or Plantagenet families, however as Carl said he had many a mistress and who knows who the resultant kids were or went on to marry. I have Robert Duke marrying a Julianne Butvilleyne in Suffolk England. I have seem a number of family trees that seem to be incorrect in their linking Robert Duke to the Brabant and Plantagenet families, I have asked some managers of these trees to provide some form of documentation (still waiting)
on the connection, I have also come across Robert Loveday Duke, again a very confusing sidebar.
Thank you again for your time
Ron Sakovits
Please don’t use the family trees for information on medieval profiles.
What happens is that, in the best of circumstances, well meaning people who have little understanding of the period, and are unfamiliar with the specialized reliable sources for the period, make guesses, make mistakes, miscopy, and then all of that problematic false information gets copied over and over across the web, with mistakes added in and then recopied.
In the worst of circumstances, people actually make stuff up. Which then gets recopied.
Whenever you are working with a family tree, look to see if sources are given. If they are, look to see what the sources are. If there are no sources, or if the sources are other family trees, do not use that family tree. It is not trustworthy for early profiles.