The wikipedia articles and text in the profiles About all describe 5 children and hint at a possible 6th
Medlands http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/POLAND.htm#MieszkoIdied992 names 7 though it suggests 2 & 3 could be the same person.
On Geni we currently have 9 children connected.
Dear Coralle
I am very sorry but you are not the 26th Grand Child of Mieszko I.
First - your 26th Great Grandfather is Gunther Count of Merseburg, Margrave of Meißen. He is the father of Ekkehard II your the 25th Great Grandfather.
Second - there is an important error in the tree, because Dobrawa Przemyślidka could not be in the same period of time the mother of several children for Mieszko I and Count Gunther.
I will correct this problem quickly.
With my best regards.
Andrzej Hennel
Problem "Too many children".
I wrote in 2011 - He had 2 wifes and 5 children, please do not add more.
And I have no reason to change this opinion.
To be sure I checked today the following references;
1. Polski Słownik Biograficzny (Polish Biographical Dictionary) vol. 21 (1976) - biography of Mieszko I written by professor Gerard Labuda.
2. Pierwsze państwo polskie (The first Polish state) - Kraków 1989 - written by professor Gerard Labuda.
3. Piastowie (The Piast family) - Warszawa 2010 - book written by 10 scientists.
4. Dynastia Piastów w Polsce (The Piast Dynasty in Poland) - Warszawa 2006 - written by profesor Marek Barański.
5. THIETMARI MERSEBURGIENSIS EPISCOPI CHRONICON - written before 1018 by bishop Thietmar from Merseburg.
After carefull reading of these the most actual books and Thietmar Chronicle I keep my 2011 opinion.
Details will follow.
Andrzej Hennel
And now the Mieszko I children in Geni:
with Dobrawa
1. Bolesław Chrobry - OK
2. Świętosława - OK
3. Vladivoj Hertug av Polen - unnown in Polish history, suggest to remove @Ragnhild Tvedt
4. Adelheid av Polen - unnown in Polish history, suggest to remove @Ragnhild Tvedt
with Oda
5. Mieszko - OK
6. Świętopełk - OK
7. Lambert - OK
8. Dobromir - unnown in Polish history, suggest to remove @Bjørn P. Brox
seven pagan wifes - nothing is known.
I will write to the people, who put nr 3,4 and 8 and will suggest to remove.
Regards AH
Two more comments:
1. I checked http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/POLAND.htm#MieszkoIdied992 shown by Alex. He quote relatively old books from 1963, and not so old Cronicles from XI and XII centuries. Thietmar is much older and the books, which I quote are much more new.
2. There is going genetic research of the Piast Family currently in Poland and we hope to get the answer if Mieszko I was Viking from the north or Moravian from the south.
We know now from genetic research that the Rurik family in Kiev were Vikings.
I hope I will let you know who was Mieszko I.