Leiv Fridleifson, {Fictitious} states that he was married to Álöf(þóra) Sigurðsdóttir the daughter of Sigurd "orm i oje" Ragnarsson, son of Ragnar Loðbrók wich is incorrect

Leiv Fridleifson, {Fictitious} states that he was married to Álöf(þóra) Sigurðsdóttir the daughter of Sigurd "orm i oje" Ragnarsson, son of Ragnar Loðbrók wich is incorrect
Tora, "Álöf" Sigurdsdottir is the MP
I have been deleting Ragnar duplicates whenever i find them but i have never noticed this family.
Regarding Álöf/þóra are these two names typically interchangeable or derived from the same root? To me they seem totally different, as if two different daughters from two different traditions have been combined.
next question. Who is Leiv Fridleifson, {Fictitious} supposed to be? Is there an MP? Currently he is the son of a Frodi which makes no sense given his patronym
According to the "How Norway was founded" tale, Leif the older was called "Frid-leif" (Peace-Leif) because the kingdom was peaceful in his time.
His son (or grandson, I forget), who was also called Leif, had no such luck, and was called "Hær-leif" (Army-Leif) because that's what he spent most of his time on.
Fridleif Skjoldsson, King of Denmark
Fridleif II Herleif Frodasson, King of Skjaelland
There's also another Fridleif MP:
Fridleif, King of Denmark
But he's on another path.
I do NOT like the Danish kings much - their lack of imagination in names is stunning.