Hello I'm stuck on another 3rd great grandfater & grandmother [Eli Kirby Eli Curby] & [Mary Catharine Curby Mary Katherine Hardy] Eli comes to Michigan from Quebec Canada, some of the census records say he was born in "French" some say "French Canada" some say Quebec. I've seen his last name as Curby, Kirby, Cerby, Kerby, & Corby but but more recent the family members spell it Kirby or Curby.
Eli was born Circa 1815 - in Quebec Canada and passed away on July 13 1891 in Sanilac County, Michigan.
He married Mary Katherine Hardy 13 Jan 1844 in St. Clair Michigan.
They had 12 children and i've met some of my distant cousins recently and they don't know anything more than I do so we're all stumped. Please let me know if you can find anything else. I included the links and added them to this project. Thank you all.