Thibaud l'Ancien, comte de Blois - Thibaut I de Blois ancestors

Started by Private User on Sunday, August 12, 2018
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Private User
8/12/2018 at 1:09 AM

Are Thibaud's ancestors really known? Didn't find any information about his ancestry. I'm asking, because there are a lot of potentially unnecessary profiles in his ancestors and even his father-in-law, which is supposedly Robert Le Fort, Comte de Paris et Tours, Marquis de Neustrie


THIBAUT [II] de Blois, son of THIBAUT [I] "l'Ancien" Vicomte de Tours & his first wife --- ([910]-16 Jan [975/77]). "Le comte Thibault père de Thibault" relinquished rights relating to "les terres de Vancé, de Joué, de Martigny et de Berthenay" to Tours Saint-Martin and paid for his future burial in the abbey by charter dated to [944][35]. “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard), by charter dated to [980][36]. This confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut. However, the absence of a phrase in the text such as “matris sui” linking “Richildis” to “Theobaldi comitis” suggests that she was his mother and that therefore the brothers were born from different marriages of the same father. He succeeded [his father] in [944] as THIBAUT I "le Tricheur" Comte de Blois, Vicomte de Tours. He dominated Brittany as guardian of his nephew Drogo, after the death of his brother-in-law Alain II Duke of Brittany in 952[37]. The Gesta Normannorum records that he plotted against Richard I Comte [de Normandie], who defeated Thibaut’s forces in [955] after the French captured Evreux[38]. "Domnus Tetbaldus comes Turonis" withdrew his claims to a serf in favour of the monks of Saint-Martin de Tours by charter dated 957, signed by "domni Tetbaldi comitis, Tetbaldi filii ipsius…Alberici Aurelianensium vicecomitis…"[39]. "Teutbaldi comitis, Teutbaldi junioris, Gausfredi comitis, Hugonis comitis Cenomannorum…" subscribed the charter dated Sep 960 under which "Aremburgis" donated property to Saint-Florent de Saumur[40]. He gained control of the counties of Chartres and Châteaudun in [960], and became the vassal of Lothaire King of the West Franks in 963. He was excommunicated by Odalric Archbishop of Reims in 964 for taking Coucy and other estates from the archbishopric[41]. Seigneur de Chino, de Saumur et de Baugency. A charter dated May 974 records a donation by "comes Teutbaldus" to Saint-Florent de Saumur[42].

8/12/2018 at 1:26 AM

About to have a family braai (Cookout?) - but an important question. Will come and engage tonight, K. I'm sure you are quite correct, though. Thank you for all the work you're putting in here.

8/12/2018 at 7:18 AM

do not know if it Works, or if it is this you need, but you can try.

8/12/2018 at 8:40 AM

Question is: 'Where' is there mention (other than in a 'Question' by Laurent OHIER, in soc.genealogy.medieval Google Groups) of a 'Daughter' for Robert Le Fort?

So....why is Richilde of Bourges ( profile: Richilde of Bourges ) suddenly attached to Robert Le Fort?
Where are the sources?
How did someone make the connection with Robert Le Fort?
Just curious because it affects my genealogical records and this 'change' has made this Family File even murkier.

Private User
8/12/2018 at 11:29 PM

Exactly. Two Roberts (le Fort) are now my ancestors, but the second one seems completely off. And perhaps the other profiles as well. I just don't have the proper knowledge to take action, let's hope someone else will. ;)

Private User
8/14/2018 at 2:56 AM

Sources for Thibaud himself can be found in
(dictionnaire de la Noblesse by La Chenaye-Desbois Paris 1863)
His and Richilde's parentage in
(Les comtes de Blois et de Champagne ... by Jean Gouget et Thierry Le Hête, p. 28 and notes 10 and 11) 26/6/2016
and there's a genealogy chart in Blois castle that give Thibaud's and Richilde's parents : Eudes d'Orléand for Thibaud, Roger du Maine and Rothilde Carolingian for Richilde
(but not Robert le Fort)

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