Willem Adrijsz van Wyk - Sources?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, December 10, 2018
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What are the sources for this profile? Is it supposed to be a duplicate work around for Willem van Wijk, SV/PROG 2 because the parents are locked?

The Discussion is posted in the Curator note so that people can discuss the sources they have found.

This discussion requested Sources for this profile.

I don't know where that Adriaen Gerritsz van Wijk comes from. The two van Wyk lines are such a mess that I think they should both be locked down for three or four generations, strictly following the version in Ball Family Records. Despite several warnings and requests, contributors too frequently introduce error and mix up the two lines, especially all the Gerrits. I straightened it out once on FamilySearch and then people mixed it all up again -- I just gave up there because you can't lock it.

It was locked here - and merged over :-(

Starting again ... :-(

Once you have locked many of the relationships, will that prevent the merges over them in future?

I reckon every person listed in the summary in the Van Wyk Family Project, particularly the 3 Gerrits as laid out there, should all be relationship locked according to the relationships laid out there -- unless alternate information is found.


It should. Only another Curator can merge over them. In this case an SA user convinced another Curator to merge two MPS that I was holding apart and reinstated the old scenario. He then tried to fix it by merging and adding despite the RL message. It was an accident.
Remind me to come and check that it's done in January. I'm at the beach with connectivity that doesn't allow me to open more than one tree an hour, it seems :-)

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