Can someone help me, a descendent of William and Matthew McCauley who fled Ulster before the Revolution, helped start UNC in Chapel Hill and then were significant slaveowners? Charles Maurice Tallyrand McCauley is said by your tree to be Rosa's great grandfather, but I have evidence he was born 1819 in Chapel Hill and died in 1896 in Union County, NC having fathered several children none of them named Mary, Samuel or Anderson (said by you to be Rosa's grandfather). Furthermore, in speaking with Kenny Mann at the First Baptist Church (founded 1865 in Chapel Hill), he says his great grandfather George McCauley had a son who moved to AL and fathered Rosa....A 7 year old Mulatto George shows up in CMT McCauley's household in 1870 census.
What is the info on Ghiogee, CMT's possible other wife? Rosa in several interviews said she had a Scotch Irish ancestor....
Let's get clear as possible on this!
I'd be glad to open my ancestry.com tree to anyone requesting.
------Barrie Peterson 973-761-0216