Edward Williams - Magoffin County Book is flawed

Started by Laura McKenzie, A125538 LM2 on Sunday, November 24, 2019
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11/24/2019 at 10:34 AM

Please note that while the folks contributing to the Magoffin County had good intentions, their information is flawed and should not be taken as fact. There are many many errors about Edward. The most important error is they several Edwards were confused and our Edward only had ONE wife.

5/18/2020 at 11:55 PM

Can you review the children attached to Thomas Edward Williams & see if any actually belong to Edward & Jemimah?

5/19/2020 at 12:00 AM

For example Susannah Kirby

Should she moved?

5/19/2020 at 12:02 AM
5/19/2020 at 1:33 AM

Laura McKenzie, A125538 LM2 I moved the children as mentioned above, and I’m locking relationships for the
Mary Lydia Davis family, so there shouldn’t be confusions in the future.

Thank you very much for your contributions to the Geni tree.

5/19/2020 at 9:27 AM

I will look at the relationships. Also, I have recently found that Jemimah's father came from a source that contains more than a few flaws so I'm going to rename him FNU for now. There are some hints that he belongs in some way to the John and Nicholas Anderson family and since "Jack" could very well be John, the name might be right but there is not enough proof just yet. I can't even find that much on Nicholas yet. I'm guessing Nicholas is within a decade of Edward Williams age but I haven't found what I need about him yet.

5/19/2020 at 9:36 AM

1803 deed refered to as Edward's will, he gives his real property to son Daniel, daughter Susuanna, granddaughter, Nancy. Caleb was given land a few months earlier and is his son. He had a son, Joshua, as well (living in Floyd County in 1810.) For now, those are his known children per records we uncovered. "A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri" states that other children were Penelope, and Casper. I haven't found records to back that up.

5/19/2020 at 11:29 AM

When I researched Mary Lydia Williams, all I found were two sons. I can't remember sources but it was at the state library in Montgomery, AL.
Susanna is Lulbegrud Creek Edward Williams' daughter.

5/19/2020 at 11:37 AM

The birthday on this page for Edward is probably based on Thomas Edward Williams' birthday. We feel like our Lulbegrud Edward was born about 1740 in Virginia. He became a member of the Chopawamsic Baptist Church (Chopawamsic Creek, Stafford County, VA) on 24 Nov 1767. His wife, Jemima, became a member a month after he did on 3 Dec. 1767.

5/19/2020 at 11:46 AM

One of our sources for information was taken down. I visited the wayback machine today and copied the page for Nicholas Anderson because he and Edward Williams appear so much together in the court records in both VA and KY. Here is my copy of the page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ophvxikU164EuKRiMYumrBBlS_ambWd...

5/19/2020 at 11:51 AM

Nicholas Anderson, John Anderson and Presley Anderson appear to be family of some sort in the records. I see that, Erica, you have a Presley Anderson page that may the one I am referring to. John Anderson

5/19/2020 at 11:58 AM

It is quite possible that this John Harper, brother of Peter, is the John Harper who appears in records with Edward Williams and Nicholas Anderson. John Harper

5/19/2020 at 12:05 PM

Fayette County Records, Vol. I. Michael Cook, CG and Bettie A.
Cummings, CG On p.814, is a map showing place where Edwin Williams' cabin stood; John Harper's cabin, Nicholas Anderson's cabin, South Fork, Harper's fork, Payne's fork, Schools fork, Calk's fort, small "Mountain creek, Spencer creek, Lulbegrud creek, William's fork, WILLIAM HOY' s improvement, NICHOLAS PROCTOR' s improvement and the dividing ridge between Lulbegrud and Small Mountain creek.

5/19/2020 at 12:09 PM

Personal Property Tax List No.2 of Fayette County 1787 First Ky Census
W. Anderson, Presley Anderson, Nicholas Anderson, Js. Anderson, Ambrose Coffee(Francis Crouch), Jos. Williams, Ed Williams, Phil. Williams, C.Williams *Names in Parentheses are additional while tithables. This may be a clue as to who Violet Crouch Williams, spouse of Edward's son, Daniel, belongs to.

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