Query on parents of Charlotte BISHOP

Started by Private User on Sunday, January 19, 2020
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Charlotte Crabb - Shrimpton - Pentley - Allsop is on Geni with
* born 1791 Norfolk Island
* died 1851
married 18/3/1811 to James Crabb [Marine 1810]
* 1813 Alexander W Shrimpton
* 1814 Mary Jane Shrimpton - Norris
married 9/8/1819 to Richard Shrimpton [Convict "Scarborough" 1790]
* 1819 Edward Francis Shrimpton
* 1820 Charles K Shrimpton
* 1824 Leah Elizabeth Jane Mahoney
* 1826 Richard Shrimpton, II
married 1828 to John Pentley [Convict "Atlas" 1819]
* 1829 Susannah Jane Chillingworth
commonlaw relationship 1832 to Frederick Allsop
* 1833 Margaret Elizabeth Pentley - Madden

3 sets of parents have been put forward for Charlotte
* born 1791 as Charlotte DAVIS or DAY on Norfolk Island to Mary Day - Bishop, [Convict "Lady Penrhyn" 1788] and Samuel Day, Convict "Alexander" 1788 - changed name to Charlotte BISHOP
* born 1791 as Charlotte DAVIS or BISHOP on Norfolk Island to Mary Day - Bishop, [Convict "Lady Penrhyn" 1788] and Thomas Bishop, Marine - changed name to Charlotte BISHOP
* born 1792 as Mary DAVIS on Norfolk Island to William Philip Davis, Convict “Scarborough” 1790 and Jane (Reid) Davis, Convict "Lady Juliana" 1790 - adopted and changed name to Charlotte BISHOP

I have detached these parents and added {unknown father of Charlotte Bishop} and {unknown mother of Charlotte Bishop} until supporting evidence can be located to definitively connect her.

Greetings Leanne. After exhaustive research and the resurrection of some key original documents, I present for your consideration a thesis backed by evidence detailing the relationships between Thomas and May Bishop, and their daughter Charlotte. The Fellowship of First Fleeters (Sydney) have seen fit to publish the narrative as an authoritative article in their Founders magazine, and which can be read online at https://bishopsinoz.weebly.com/extract--founders-magazine.html
Perhaps this is the evidence you refer to to definitively connect Charlotte to her parents. I've also examined the other possibilities touted above (Day or Davis paternity) and have not unearthed a single source supporting these suppositions.

It’s an interesting read and definitely another theory.

A few queries with some items in the article.

“Thomas Bishop, a 21st Plymouth Company marine private, was assigned up-on arrival in NSW to Captain Campbell’s Company to garrison Port Jackson. Upon discharge in late 1791, Thomas applied to settle on Norfolk Island and received a grant of land. “
This imply that Thomas arrived on Norfolk Island at the earliest late 1791

“Mary had travelled separately to Norfolk in early 1790 on HMS Sirius and lived there without a recorded partner. “
Mary arrived Norfolk Island early 1790

“ Charlottes birth date, generally be-lieved to be 9 July 1791, had been arbitrarily derived from an entry found in the Norfolk Island Victualling Book.”
“ Charlotte’s birth therefore, at the very least, predates Feb/Mar 1791, ”

Where is the evidence that Thomas and Mary had a relationship before she went to Norfolk Island?

Mary was on Norfolk Island from early 1790 and Charlotte was born sometime before Feb/Mar 1791 - where is the evidence that Charlotte was born early 1790 (conceived before Mary left Sydney) rather than early 1791 (conceived after arrival.)

“ Thomas took up his land, but after more than twelve months of documented productivity, relinquished his grant and returned to Sydney per the Kitty, in March 1793. Mary and Charlotte accompanied him. ”
Does Charlotte appear on the “Kitty” passenger lists with Mary and Thomas?

Can we start with agreeing that Charlotte Bishop (born Mary Davis) - mother was Mary Davis of the "Lady Penryn" from Diddlesbury, Shropshire and that none of the above 3 options are correct?

I can’t see that as having been proven.

Private User what is your evidence for her being the daughter of William Davis and Jane Reid?

All the research that has been done by everyone is on the "Norfolk Island History Researchers" page on Facebook. If you search for Charlotte Bishop it all comes up.

Cathy Dunn (copied from Facebook)
Mary Davis (as per named in the Ships muster) arrived on Norfolk Island aboard HMS Sirius in March 1790. Mary DAVIS – Charlotte BISHOP, born 1791 Norfolk Island as Mary Davis according to the Norfolk Island 1792 - 1796 Victualling Book. She departed Norfolk Island with her mother aboard the Kitty in March 1793. http://www.australianhistoryresearch.info/history-lovers-visit-to-n...

There is also a Facebook page "Mary Davis - Charlotte Bishop - Norfolk Island 1791".
I'll bow to Jon Heppell here who has done a lot of research and hopefully has a better memory than me as its been ages since I've worked on this branch of the tree.


"uneNIFS_D050DAVIS MARY (3)1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty"

"uneNIFS_D048DAVIS MARY (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty"

No Jane Davis but
"uneNIFS_R035REID JANE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species"

From these records Jane Reid (Davis) was on Norfolk until 1795 and Mary Davis (child) left Norfolk in 1793 on board the Kitty.

Copied from Jon Heppnall in the Mary Davis - Charlotte Bishop group on FB.

"Evidence of Samuel Day, Convict, married to Mary Bolton, he providing her livelihood on Norfolk Island in 1794." I can't add the document here.

"At this stage, Mary Bishop was on record at Port Jackson, having returned in 1793 aboard Kitty and selling her deceased husband Thomas Bishop's land grant at Breakfast Point to James Squire, colonial brewer and entrepreneur. (11 Aug 1794) for £45."

And Charlotte Pentley is buried in the same grave with her mother Mary Davis (Bishop)

Snow M the link to Australianhisotryresearch doesn’t work.

Re https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/233105799/mary-bishop - that is a modern plaque put on an old grave. Mary Davis died 14 years before Charlotte so normally Charlotte would have been added to Mary’s gravestone. Is there any evidence that they are actually buried together?

Greetings Leanne, thank you for your feedback.

there are a number of resources supporting the issues which you query, however this medium does not support the imagery and hyperlinks which I'd like to share with you. Perhaps HTML email would be a better place for this discussion? My address is Jon.Heppell.13@gmail.com

I look forward to sharing our respective points of view, to determine the conclusions best supported by primary sources.

cheers, Jon.

Greetings Leanne,

Mary & Charlotte, common grave.

The Fellowship of the First Fleeters, in a letter dated 11th September 2002. Peter G Christian (President, Fellowship of First Fleeters) to Jon Heppell, supported this, convinced by the research of Dr Mollie Gillen (Founders of Australia and Yvonne Browning (St. Peters Richmond Cemetery), a facsimile of which can be found online at https://bishopsinoz.weebly.com/ [image, Annexure B]

Apparently, Mary didn't have a headstone, which probably wasn't erected until some time after Charlotte's interment, evidenced by the fact that her date of death, on the monument (misremembered ? as July 5th 1853) is inconsistent with 5th Sept 1851 per NSW BDM Indices .... https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/ .... PENTLEY, CHARLOTTE; 769/1851; V1851769 37B; AGE 60; CE) She was buried on 8th Sept 1851, 11 years after Mary.

Cheers, Jon.

Greetings Snow M

thank you for your kind words.

Just noted that Cathy Dunn's description of Charlotte was posted to Facebook about 9 years ago. As we're well aware, there have been many breaks through for research of the Bishop family over the intervening years.

cheers, Jon

Greetings Snow M

Cathy has recently authored a comprehensive book "The People, Soldiers and Victualling Book of the Kitty Transport era: Norfolk Island 1793." (State Library NSW Call Numbers: HQ 2023/0252) which includes an up-to-date bio for Charlotte, which reads (in-part) .... Bishop, Thomas. Marine Settler. Davis, Mary. Wife of Marine Settler. Other name: Bishop. Davis, Mary. Child born Norfolk Island. Other Names: Charlotte Bishop, Crabb, Shrimpton, Pentley ....... Davis arrived on Norfolk Island aboard HMS Sirius 15 Mar 1790 expecting a child. She gave birth to Mary Davis Jr who was later known as Charlotte Bishop, between 29 Aug and Nov 1790.

Happy to email you the full extract.

For the uninitiated, Cathy Dunn is a public historian, holding a Master of History (UNE), an accomplished author and operator of both Australian History Research and Heritage Tourism. She is Member of the History Council of NSW, and is regularly consulted by the SL NSW as a recognised expert on Norfolk Island history.

cheers, Jon.

Greetings Private User

I have devised a way for access to the aforementioned FFF letter re: the common grave of Mary Bishop née Davis and her daughter Charlotte Pentley née Bishop.

click on the following link .... https://bishopsinoz.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/3/3/11334250/letter_~_p_...

cheers, Jon.

Greetings Private User

see also .... https://bishopsinoz.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/3/3/11334250/mary__davis...

for the Mary (Bishop) Davis story linked to at the bottom of this image, click here (for the Fellowship of First Fleeters website) ... http://www.fellowshipfirstfleeters.org.au/marydavis.htm

Hope this satisfies your queries, cheers, Jon.

ps. I have to agree with Private User's query .... what is your evidence for her being the daughter of William Davis and Jane Reid ? I've asked this question of many fellow researches who adhere to a whole range of dissenting theories, without receiving a single response.

Greetings Private User.

you wrote ... "Does Charlotte appear on the “Kitty” passenger lists with Mary and Thomas?"

From: "The People, Soldiers and Victualling Book of the Kitty Transport era: Norfolk Island 1793." (State Library NSW Call Numbers: HQ 2023/0252)"

...."When a study of Kitty March 1793 to Port Jackson was first considered, it was already known that there was no shipping manifest for the voyage ...... due to little other shipping data from the era having survived the Victualling Book has become the defacto source of most arrival and departure data for the island in its early years"......

NIVB Manuscript Index (SL NSW) entry for Thomas Bishop:
Bishop, Thomas A 1958/p.16b .....departed 7 [sic] March 1793. (Kitty)

NIVB Manuscript Index (SL NSW) entry for Mary (Davis) Bishop:
Davis, Mary, convict A 1958/p.55a ..... departed 9 March, 1793. (Kitty)

NIVB Manuscript Index (SL NSW) entry for Mary Davis (Charlotte Bishop):
Davis, Mary, convicts' child A 1958/p.76a ..... departed 9 March 1793. (Kitty)

For extracted images from the original NIVB, follow this link:

cheers, Jon.

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