Hi, Dan! Thanks for the question.
The reality is, we don't know much about his British ancestry. Although his mother was from Scotland, she was from an extremely remote island where many records were lost or simply never existed. So while the Internet abounds with theories about the MacLeods having noble lineage, the preeminent genealogists of Scotland have not been able to trace her ancestry back more than a few generations. NEHGS, the authorities on U.S. presidential ancestry, have found the same thing -- the records just aren't there to make a genealogical case.
The reality is, he probably *does* have royal ancestry, because everyone with British roots does at some point. You're very correct that the numbers are on his side. But since we can't prove it, we can't add it to the tree.
This is the best that the NEHGS, in conjunction with Scottish experts, have been able to come up with: https://www.americanancestors.org/uploadedfiles/media/american_ance...
(You'll have to look at the index to find the page number where the chart starts.)
John I "Lackland", King of England ….my 21st great grandfather....and he is also my 21st great grandmother's 1st husband.
Hasn't ANYBODY looked at the source that I added a good while back for Donald Trump?
Diana Collins my recollection is that you had found a German family tree that had some theories about his ancestry, but that the tree's citations didn't back up its conclusions. Or was it something different?
Oscar Saborio Valverde, MH-EQ66R7 with his ancestry unknown making a categorical statement like that is not possible.
Diana Collins it looks like the only two sources on it right now are from uncited family trees. Do you have access to record databases? That's where I would look.
Diana Collins I remember looking at Angus last time and it seems that most uncited internet trees have him immigrating to North Carolina, while the rest of his family apparently went to Canada. https://www.genealogy.com/ftm/m/c/s/Virginia-M-Mcsween-NC/BOOK-0001... There are a few Angus McSweens in the late 1700s and early 1800s in North Carolina, but I can find no way of tracking down which one he is supposed to be. Why do you believe that he is relevant to Trump's tree?
And if anyone wants to help with Angus MacSwane, we have a thread at https://www.geni.com/discussions/214934
Risto Virtanen there was a bad connection in there before that we removed. Most users lost their direct connection as a result -- but since it wasn't a valid connection, it's best for it to be gone.
Is there a connection to the Angus in NC....
That Geneanet site is another one with no citations, Diana Collins
Have you tried using the free records (not trees) from FamilySearch or Scottish public sources?
Here's a directory of free Scottish records collections: http://m.whodoyouthinkyouaremagazine.com/blog/17-best-free-online-s...