Alexander* Theodor von Middendorff - Hellenurme mõis

Started by Private User on Thursday, July 9, 2020

Kas Teil endil või ehk teate kedagi, kellel oleks Hellenurme Middendorffi mõisast pilte. Kuna mina ja mu abikaasa hakkame mõisa sisemust taastama algsesse seisu? Oleksime väga tänulikud iga infokillu eest mõisa ja Alexander* Theodor von Middendorffi elu kohta! 🙏🏼

Do you have pictures of Hellenurme Middendorff Manor, either by yourself or by someone. When will my husband and I start to restore the interior of the manor to its original condition? We would be very grateful today for every piece of information about the life of the manor and Alexander * Theodor von Middendorff! 🙏🏼

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