See discussion on R. Hai Gaon’s profile:
I started this discussion here only as important, or more accurately, crucial information for those who trace their lineage to King David through the Maharal of Prague (being that it is one of the main reliable lineages) as otherwise those people might not come accross the fact that there’s a forged profile in the middle of the line; instead I have included a “candidate” to fill the gap.
Note: Please reply there for academic purposes,
let’s reserve the discussion here only for other comments.
In summary Shoshana as daughter of R. Hai Gaon is either a big mistake or blatant brazen forgery.
R. Yosef of Rome is the only child, if any, of R. Hai Gaon.
Here’s what I wrote there: Translation pending...
הפרופיל של הרה"ג ר' יוסף מרומי אינו מופיע בג'ני כבנו ,במקום זאת מופיע הפרופיל של בת מזויפת
של רב האי גאון
מקורות לרבי יוסי מרומי כבן הרב האי גאון:
ע"פ מחקר של הרה"ג רבי משה יאיר ויינשטוק זצ"ל בעמח"ס סידור הגאונים המקובלים ניתן לקבוע בוודאות שלרב האי גאון זצ"ל היה בן בשם רבי יוסף מרומי.
המחקר במלואו בצירוף מקורות נמצא בספרו "תפארת בית דוד".
על כך יש להעיר ממאמרו של הרב אבישי אלבוים: "בספרי יוחסין מובא שהמהר"ל היה מגזע רב האי גאון, שהיה אחרון הגאונים בבבל והיה לו בן בשם יוסף מרומי (ראה מקור נפתח לבית דוד לר' משה יאיר וינשטוק עמ' מג הערה טו).
נתון זה עומד בניגוד לשורה מתוך קינה שנשא ר' שמואל הנגיד (ספרד) על רב האי גאון וזה לשונה: "ואם הלך ואין לו בן, ביום הלכו לתחתיה, ולא ילדה תעודתו ולא חזרה באכסניא, ולא זכה לבן ישיב, בכל זדון ושגיה". כלומר, המשורר מקונן שרב האי לא השאיר ילד אחריו. כיצד תואם הדבר את הרישום על בנו, ר' יוסף?
כאן יש מקום להשערות רבות. האם ייתכן שבנו זה מת בחיי אביו והשאיר אחריו צאצאים (רב האי האריך ימים וחי 99 שנה), או שמא טעות במגילת היוחסין ור' יוסף זה היה חתנו או אולי בן בתו? מה בדבר האפשרות שר' שמואל הנגיד לא ידע על בנו של רב האי שגלה ממקום אביו ועבר לרומי?"
Also mentioned in the Hebrew Wikipedia page:
By “the encyclopedia”, which one are you referring to specifically? R. Hai Gaon’s Hebrew Wikipedia page does mention R. Yossi M’Romi as a possible son.
I’m not sure what you meant by
“left no sons”. And then: Daughters, for many...etc.
If you meant to say that he might indeed have had daughters but not sons, the name Shoshana is certainly made up.
In the Hebrew text I quoted above it says that according to a study in “Siddur HaGeoinim HaMekubalim” by the Kabbalist and expert researcher genealogist Rabbi Moshe Yair Weinstock Ztz”l R. Benzion Moshe Yair Weinstock it can be determined with certainty that R. Yossi M’Romi was R. Hai Gaon’s son. The study in full along with sources was found in his book “Tifferet Beit David”.
To quote Rabbi Avishai Alboim's (Menahel Sifriat HaRambam) statement: 'In genealogy books it is presented that the Maharal was a descendant of HaRav Hai Gaon, who was the last of the Geonim in Babylon and had a son named Yosef M’Romi (see “Makor Niftach L’beit David” by Rabbi Moshe Yair Weinstock page 43 Note 15).
In light of that study, a certain contemporary (David V. דוד ורדי) commentator wrote a couple hypotheses to resolve the apparent contradiction of Rabbi Weinstock’s Ztz”l research & the pedigree scrolls to a certain poem (kinah or lamentation) by R. Shmuel HaNagid Samuel HaNagid where the latter laments that R. Hai Gaon had no sons.
David V.’s comment:
How does this (the poem) match with his son, R. Yosef M’Romi?
Here there is room for much speculation. Is it possible that this son died in his father's life and left behind offspring (R. Hai Gaon lived for 99 years), or did a mistake creep into the pedigree scrolls and R. Yosef was his son-in-law, or perhaps his daughter's son? What about the possibility that R. Shmuel HaNagid was not aware of the son of R. Hai Gaon who left from his father's place and moved to Rome?'
Y'shar Ko'akh Yehoshua Aaron,
I don't know much about the MaHaRaL's family, BUT what I do know, is that the connection between him and the earlier periods, certainly as far back as King David, are not valid. They are missing DOZENS of generations. King David of Israel lived around 110 generations ago. The "popular" lines are usually around 80-90 generations long.
To the best of my knowledge there are NO LINES that can be relied on, that go back that far.
Yehoshua Aharon Levy
As a direct descendant of the kozker rebbe, like him, I always strive for truth, and precisely in my family tree, And curators with whom I collaborate can attest to that.
Some people do not always like the truth, and they come with complaints, but I always want my family tree to be real.
Regarding your questions:
A few months ago Naftali Wakstein and I talked about these things, and I quote him
In recent years The researchers have come to the unequivocal conclusion that Rabbi Hai Gaon had a daughter (not a son), most likely she died before her father died
Regarding the Maharal from Prague:
Naftali Walkstein told me this: his original tombstone was completely destroyed, and when many years later a new tombstone was built for him, the builders knew that he was a descendant of King David but did not have his original tombstone, so they wrote that he was a descendant through his father
And this was a mistake, because he is a descendant of King David but through his mother
I should also mention two more things:
Many people (who are very religious) who were descendants of a certain person but through also ancient mothers, in their pedigree tree ,they ignored the ancient mothers and wrote that they are son after son , so probablyt his is the case regarding Rabbi Hai Gaon
Unfortunately in geni there are many family trees that people forged and connected their family as descendants of rabbinical families, in the fakes they made caused changes (and sometimes significant changes) in the general tree of geni
Jeffrey Paige
Thanks. But there's such a thing called Chimera.
It's basically, when someone has 2 - set's of? - DNA's. 1 of them, being HIDDEN,/ NOT detected easily/VERY HARD TO FIND. & The 2nd, Not Hiding, but detected easily.
Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן
From 80, till 110 (generation's), is ONLY, 2 & ½ DOZEN! (ofgeneration's).
& Again, it could very well be, that a younger son, replaced his father, - as we can see today in Square Boro-Park, & Sadigure. - Or, That some, did NOT Have children, - or as previously mentioned, a Son that was - Deserving/Capable to replace them, until at a later age.
יְ-הוֹשֻׁעַ אַהֲרֹן
Yehoshua Aaron Levy Spira
"ואם הלך ואין לו בן, ביום הלכו לתחתיה, ולא ילדה תעודתו ולא חזרה באכסניא, ולא זכה לבן ישיב, בכל זדון ושגיה"
ליישב דברי הפייטן עם ה'מציאה'ת של
R. Benzion Moshe Yair Weinstock
בדרך אפשרויות, אפשר גם כן לומר, שהפייטן מכוין אל בן כזה, שממלא מקום אביו. ובשביל זה\וזה גם כן, מיישב את המילים, שהפייטן משתמש בהם, "ולא ילדה "תעודתו" ולא "חזרה ""באכסניא", ולא זכה לבן "ישיב.
"תעודתו", היינו "תעודת הוראה", לא "חזרה" ל"אכסניא" שלה. כמאמר רז"ל "תורה מחזרת ל"אכסניא" שלה.
מוהר"ר חיים מאיר אל'יהו Schechter/Shefer it doesn't matter at what age he replaced him. It matter at what age of the father he was BORN.
The way averages work is that with an average of 31, then if you had even ONE case of a 25 year generation (6 less than 31), then you either had 1 case of 37 years or 6 cases of 32. BOTH 31 and 32, are much higher than we'd expect. These would be extreme exceptions.
If you have an average of 25, then for every case of a child born at 20, you would have ONE child born at 30, which is reasonable, or even 5 children born at 26, which is even more reasonable.
א. דוד המלך - 2854.
ב. שלמה המלך - 2912 (דוד בן 58).
ג. רחבעם המלך - 2923 (שלמה בן 11).
ד. אביהו המלך.
ה. אסא המלך.
ו. יהושפט המלך 2989.
ז. יהורם המלך - 3015 (יהושפט בן 26).
ח. אחזיהו המלך - 3033 (יהורם בן 18).
ט. יהואש המלך - 3054 (אחזיהו בן 21).
י. אמציהו המלך 3075 (יהואש בן 21).
יא. עוזיהו המלך 3099 (אמציהו בן 24).
יב. יותם המלך 3142 (עוזיהו בן 57).
יג. אחז המלך 3163 (יותם בן 21).
יד. חזקיהו המלך 3174 (אחז בן 11).
טו. מנשה המלך 3216 (42).
טז. אמון המלך 3261 (מנשה בן 45).
יז. יאשיהו המלך 3277 (אמון בן 16).
יח. יהויקים (אליקים) המלך 3291 (יאשיהו בן 14).
יט. יכניהו המלך-3309 (יהויקים בן 18).
כ. השר שאלתיאל. (יכניהו נסתלק 3364 שאלתיאל בנו מ״מ נשיא וריש גלותא)
המלבי"ם דברי הימים א פרק ג, פסוק יט הביא את המחלוקת: הרד"ק סובר שזרובבל היה בנו של פדיה, נכדו של שאלתיאל ונינו של יהויכין. הראב"ע סובר שהיה בנו של פדיה ונכדו של יהויכין. ושאלתיאל היה אחיו של פדיה ומת ללא בנים וייבם פדיה את אשתו ונולד מכך זרובבל. לכן ייוחס לדודו [-המת, שעל פי התורה הבן הנולד מן היבום "יקום על שם אחיו המת ולא ימחה שמו מישראל". דברים כה-ו]. ומאידך הראב"ע על חגי א-א כתב שכונה זרובבל 'בן שאלתיאל' מפני ששאלתיאל גידלו כבנו.
There’s an argument amongst the meforshim (biblical commentaries) if he was Pedia’s son, Shaltiel’s grandson, and Yoyachin’s great-grandson (Meir Leibush Weiser - Malbim). According to Abraham ibn Ezra he was son of Pedia, grandson of Yoyachin, Shaltiel being Pedia’s brother; since he married his brother’s childless widow through the Mitzvah of Yibum he is considered Shaltiel’s son “The firstborn son whom she bears will then perpetuate the name of the dead brother, so that his name will not be obliterated from Israel" — Deuteronomy 25:5-6, alternatively, Shaltiel raised his nephew and is therefore called his son.
Haim Wartski, HaCohen
לעיל כתבתי כל הדורות עד הבעל התניא ושולחן ערוך (מצאצאי המהר״ל) מהאתר חב״דפדיה, אני בעמצה להביא מקורות לדורות אחרי שאלתיאל והתאריכי לידה. וכן שניהם היו 11.
Haim Wartski, HaCohen
הרשימה השלמה כתבתי במקום אחר
א. דוד המלך. ב. שלמה המלך. ג. רחבעם המלך. ד. אביהו המלך. ה. אסא המלך. ו. יהושפט המלך. ז. יהורם המלך. ח. אחזיהו המלך. ט. יהואש המלך י. אמציהו המלך. יא. עוזיהו המלך. יב. יותם המלך. יג. אחז המלך. יד. חזקיהו המלך. טו. מנשה המלך. טז. אמון המלך יז. יאשיהו המלך. יח. יהויקים המלך. יט. יכניהו המלך. כ. השר שאלתיאל.
תקופת נביאים
כא. פדיה. כב. זרובבל. כג. משולם. כד. חנניה. כה. ברכיה. כו. חסדיה. כז. ישעיה. כח. עובדיה. כט. שכניה. ל. שמעיה. לא. נעריה.
תקופת ריש גלותא (תקופת תנאים ואמוראים)
לב. חזקיה ריש גלותא. לג. התנא עוקבן בר נחמיה - נתן דצוציתא ריש גלותא. לד. ר' הונא ריש גלותא. לה. ר' עקוב ריש גלותא. לו. ר' נחום ריש גלותא. לז. ר' יוחנן ריש גלותא. לח. ר' שפט ריש גלותא. לט. ר' ענן ריש גלותא. מ. ר' הונא ריש גלותא. מא. ר' נתן ריש גלותא. מב. ר' נחמיה ריש גלותא. מג. ר' עוקבן דצוציתא ריש גלותא. מד. ר' אבא ריש גלותא. מה. ר' ספרא ריש גלותא. מו. מר זוטרא ריש גלותא. מז. רב כהנא ריש גלותא. מח. רב גוריא ריש גלותא. מט. מר בוסתנאי ריש גלותא. נ. רב יעקב ריש גלותא. נא. רב מגיס ריש גלותא. נב. רב נחמיה ריש גלותא. נג. רב אבדימא ריש גלותא. נד. רב פינחס ריש גלותא. נה. רב חצוב ריש גלותא.
תקופת הגאונים
נו. רב שמואל גאון. נז. רב יהודה גאון. נח. רב חנניה גאון. נט. רב שרירא גאון. ס. רב האי גאון.
צאצאיו עד רבי שניאור זלמן מליאדי (אדמו"ר הזקן) ״הבעל התניא והשולחן ערוך״
תקופת ראשונים ואחרונים
סא. הרה"ג ר' יוסף מרומי. סב. הרה"ג ר' יחיאל. סג. הרה"ג ר' אברהם. סד. הרה"ג ר' עזריהו. סה. הרה"ג ר' יחזקאל. סו. הרה"ג ר' לעמיל. סז. הרה"ג ר' עזריהו. סח. הרה"ג ר' אליהו. סט. הרה"ג ר' יוסף. ע. הרה"ג ר' נחמן. עא. הרה"ג ר' קלמן קלונימוס. עב. הרה"ג ר' לייביש. עג. הרה"ג ר' אלעזר. עד. הרה"ג ר' ירחמיאל. עה. הרה"ג ר' אריה זאב. עו. הרה"ג ר' יעקב. עז. הרה"ג ר' בצלאל. עח. הרה"ג ר' יהודה ליוואי – המהר"ל הזקן. עט. הרה"ג ר' בצלאל. פ. הרה"ג ר' חיים מוורמייזא. פא. הרה"ג ר' בצלאל. פב. הרה"ג מרנא ורבנא יהודה ליוואי – המהר"ל מפראג. פג. הרה"ג ר' בצלאל חריף. פד. הרה"ג ר' שמואל. פה.הרה"ג ר' יהודה לייב. פו. הרה"ג ר' משה מפוזנא. פז. הרה"ג ר' שניאור זלמן מליאדי (אדמו"ר הזקן).
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 what happened?
Mine are still there ie: Maternal line
King David of Israel is Jacqueli Charlene Finley's 105th great grandfather!
Jacqueli Charlene Finley
You → Claudia Inez Kinkade
your mother → Claud Bosworth Mauk
her father → Claud Mauk
his father → Ella Caledonia Lee
his mother → Elam Lee
her father → Capt. Thomas Lee
his father → John Lee
his father → Mary Lee
his mother → Ann Allen
her mother → Thomas Anderson
her father → Captain Paul Anderson, I
his father → Mary Elizabeth Anderson
his mother → Joanne Palmer Overton
her mother → Robert Snawsell
her father → Brian Snawsell
his father → Thomas Snawsell, of Bilton
his father → Katherine Hansard
his mother → Elizabeth Hansard
her mother → Sir Thomas Blount, Kt.
her father → Sir Thomas Blount, Kt.
his father → Sancha Blount, Lady de Ayala
his mother → D. Diego Gómez de Toledo, I señor de Casarrubios y Valdepusa
her father → Gómez Pérez de Toledo, II
his father → Teresa Vázquez de Acuña, Señora de Villaverde
his mother → Vasco Martins da Cunha, "o Seco", 5º senhor de Tábua
her father → Martim Vasques da Cunha, "o Velho", 4º senhor de Tábua
his father → Teresa Pires Portel
his mother → Pedro Pires de Portel
her father → D. Cristina (Estevainha) Soares de Paiva
his mother → Urraca Mendes de Bragança
her mother → Mendo Fernandes de Bragança
her father → Fernão Mendes de Bragança, o Velho
his father → Ardzrouri Artsruni
his mother → Kouschkousch Bagratuni
her mother → Gagik I Bagratuni, King of Armenia
her father → Ashot III of Armenia
his father → N.N.
his mother → Gourgen II `the Great' Duke of Tao
her father → Adarnase III, Duke of Tao
his father → Prince Bagrat I of Iberia
his father → Ashot I the Great, Prince of Iberia
his father → NN of the Nersianid dynasty
his mother → Nerse Prince of Iberia r.760-772 & 775-779-80
her father → Adarnase III of the Nersianid Dynasty - presiding prince of Iberia r.748-760
his father → unnamed wife of Nerse
his mother → Mirian of Kakheti r.736-741
her father → Adarnase II of Iberia Khosroid dynasty - r.650-684
his father → Stephen II of Iberia Khosroid dynasty
his father → Adarnase I of Iberia Khosroid dynasty
his father → Bakur III, king of Iberia - Khosroid dynasty
his father → Pharasmanes VI of Iberia - Khosroid dynasty
his father → Parent of Pharasmanes VI Khosroid dynasty
his father → King of Iberia Bacurius II Khosroid dynasty
his father → King of Iberia Dachi
his father → Balendukht van Perzië, van
his mother → Hormizd III Sasani, King of Persia
her father → Yazdegerd II, King of Persia
his father → Bahrám V "of the Wild Ass", King of Persia
his father → Shoshandukt bat Mar Abba Abra
his mother → Mar Sutra
her mother → Musa "Rav Papa" bar Yosef, resh metivta al-Nehardea, 5th Gen Amora
her father → Yosef bar Yosef
his father → Yosef bar Khamma
his father → Khamma ben Nachum II, 5th Exilarch Huna I
his father → 2nd Exhilarch of Judah Nachum ben Achaya, 2nd Exilarch Nachum II
his father → Achaya bar Akkub bar Akkub, 1st Exilarch 2nd Dynasty
his father → Ya'akov ben Shlomo, Exilarch
his father → Shlomo ben Hunya, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Hunya ben Nathan, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Nathan (de Zuzita, Babylon) ben Shalom
his father → Shalom II ben Hizkiya, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Hizkiya Rosh Golah of Judah ben Shehanya, 33rd Exilarch Hizkiya III
his father → Shechanya II ibn Da'ud, Exilarch
his father → Da'ud ben Shemaya, Exilarch
his father → Shemaya I ben Shlomo
his father → Shlomo III ibn Da'ud Exilarch
his father → Da'ud ibn Akkub
his father → Salma bat Hizkiya ibn Nearya
his mother → Hizkiyahu II ibn Nearya 21st Exilarch
her father → Neriyah, 18th Exilarch
his father → Bariah Ben Shemaya
his father → Semaya Ben Shechanya
his father → Shechanya Ben Ovadya
his father → Obaja Ben Amay (Aranan
his father → Arnan Ben Rafaya
his father → Refaya (e Ben Chananya
his father → Yeshaiah ben Hananya
his father → Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his father → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
his father → Salathial ., 2nd Exilarch Yehoiakhin, 2nd Exilarch
his father → King Jechoniah ., 18th King of Judah
his father → Jehoiakim Elyakim, 17th King of Judah
his father → Josiah 15th King of Judah, 15th King of Judah
his father → Amon - אמון מלך יהודה 14
his father → King Menasseh
his father → Hephzi-bah .
his mother → Isaiah The Prophet
her father → Amoz .
his father → Jehoaddan .
his mother → Jehosheba .
her mother → Jehoram, 5th King of Judah
her father → Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah
his father → Asa ., 3rd King of Judah
his father → Abijah ., 2nd King of Judea Kingdom
his father → Rehoboam ., 1st King of Judea Kingdom
his father → King Solomon
his father → King David of Israel
his father
Paternal line is a mess though and we are cousins through paternal :(
King David of Israel is Jacqueli Charlene Finley's 30th great grandmother's husband's third cousin 27 times removed's partner's father!
Jacqueli Charlene Finley
You → Jack Harry Finley
your father → show 66 relatives → King Solomon
her partner → King David of Israel
This is what I find makes no sense. My Geni descent from David runs through Ishmael. Yet, Matriarch Rebecca / רבקה אמנו is (again, per Geni_ my 107th g-grandmother, which means Patriarch Isaac MUST be my 107th g-grandfather as well. So that tells me there are flaws with the relationship calculator.
(And all this time I thought the problem was only because Ripsimia had been disconnected from her father, Ashot II.)
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087
You didn’t lose your path to King David!
It’s just that it’s through R. Hai Gaon his son R. Yosi Meromi (of Rome) and not through Shoshana) till the Maharal of Prague through the line I wrote above (Hebrew).
My line to Rebecca goes through Patriarch Jacob, btw.
But when I click on Isaac, Geni informs me that he is my uncle when in fact he must be my 107th g-grandfather.
Matriarch Rebecca / רבקה אמנו is Debra Denman's 107th great grandmother!
Debra Denman
You → Leon Conway Denman
your father → Vernon Winters Denman
his father → Isaiah Cranfield Denman
his father → William C. Denman
his father → Blake Denman
his father → James Denman
his father → Daniel Wright Denman
his father → John Denman IV
his father → John Denman
his father → John Denman, II
his father → John Denman, I
his father → Thomas Denman, of Ordsall
his father → Anne Denman (Hercy)
his mother → Lady Elizabeth Hercy (Digby)
her mother → Catherine Digby
her mother → Catharine Griffin
her mother → Alice Curzon
her mother → Margaret Lee
her mother → Sir John Griffith, Kt., of Abermarlais
her father → Ann Griffith
his mother → Sancha Blount, Lady de Ayala
her mother → D. Diego Gómez de Toledo, I señor de Casarrubios y Valdepusa
her father → Gómez Pérez de Toledo, II
his father → Teresa Vázquez de Acuña, Señora de Villaverde
his mother → Vasco Martins da Cunha, "o Seco", 5º senhor de Tábua
her father → Martim Vasques da Cunha, "o Velho", 4º senhor de Tábua
his father → Teresa Pires Portel
his mother → Pedro Pires de Portel
her father → D. Cristina (Estevainha) Soares de Paiva
his mother → Urraca Mendes de Bragança
her mother → Mendo Fernandes de Bragança
her father → Fernão Mendes de Bragança, o Velho
his father → Ardzrouri Artsruni
his mother → Kouschkousch Bagratuni
her mother → Gagik I Bagratuni, King of Armenia
her father → Ashot III of Armenia
his father → N.N.
his mother → Gourgen II `the Great' Duke of Tao
her father → Adarnase III, Duke of Tao
his father → Prince Bagrat I of Iberia
his father → Ashot I the Great, Prince of Iberia
his father → NN of the Nersianid dynasty
his mother → Nerse Prince of Iberia r.760-772 & 775-779-80
her father → Adarnase III of the Nersianid Dynasty - presiding prince of Iberia r.748-760
his father → unnamed wife of Nerse
his mother → Mirian of Kakheti r.736-741
her father → Adarnase II of Iberia Khosroid dynasty - r.650-684
his father → Stephen II of Iberia Khosroid dynasty
his father → Adarnase I of Iberia Khosroid dynasty
his father → Bakur III, king of Iberia - Khosroid dynasty
his father → Pharasmanes VI of Iberia - Khosroid dynasty
his father → Parent of Pharasmanes VI Khosroid dynasty
his father → King of Iberia Bacurius II Khosroid dynasty
his father → King of Iberia Dachi
his father → Balendukht van Perzië, van
his mother → Hormizd III Sasani, King of Persia
her father → Yazdegerd II, King of Persia
his father → Bahrám V "of the Wild Ass", King of Persia
his father → Shoshandukt bat Mar Abba Abra
his mother → Mar Sutra
her mother → Musa "Rav Papa" bar Yosef, resh metivta al-Nehardea, 5th Gen Amora
her father → Yosef bar Yosef
his father → Yosef bar Khamma
his father → Khamma ben Nachum II, 5th Exilarch Huna I
his father → 2nd Exhilarch of Judah Nachum ben Achaya, 2nd Exilarch Nachum II
his father → Achaya bar Akkub bar Akkub, 1st Exilarch 2nd Dynasty
his father → Ya'akov ben Shlomo, Exilarch
his father → Shlomo ben Hunya, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Hunya ben Nathan, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Nathan (de Zuzita, Babylon) ben Shalom
his father → Shalom II ben Hizkiya, Exilarch Interregnum
his father → Hizkiya Rosh Golah of Judah ben Shehanya, 33rd Exilarch Hizkiya III
his father → Shechanya II ibn Da'ud, Exilarch
his father → Da'ud ben Shemaya, Exilarch
his father → Shemaya I ben Shlomo
his father → Shlomo III ibn Da'ud Exilarch
his father → Da'ud ibn Akkub
his father → Salma bat Hizkiya ibn Nearya
his mother → Hizkiyahu II ibn Nearya 21st Exilarch
her father → Neriyah, 18th Exilarch
his father → Bariah Ben Shemaya
his father → Semaya Ben Shechanya
his father → Shechanya Ben Ovadya
his father → Obaja Ben Amay (Aranan
his father → Arnan Ben Rafaya
his father → Refaya (e Ben Chananya
his father → Yeshaiah ben Hananya
his father → Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his father → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
his father → Salathial ., 2nd Exilarch Yehoiakhin, 2nd Exilarch
his father → King Jechoniah ., 18th King of Judah
his father → Jehoiakim Elyakim, 17th King of Judah
his father → Josiah 15th King of Judah, 15th King of Judah
his father → Amon - אמון מלך יהודה 14
his father → King Menasseh
his father → King Hezekiah
his father → Abijah / Abi
his mother → Zechariah son of Jerobam II, 14th King of Israel
her father → Jeroboam II, son of Jehoash, 13th King of Israel
his father → Jehoash son of Jehoahaz, 12th King of Israel
his father → Jehoahaz son of Jehu, 11th King of Israel
his father → Jehu son of Jehoshafat, 10th King of Israel
his father → Jehoshafat .
his father → Nimshi .
his father → Tribe Members ., Menashe
his father → Menashe .
his father → Joseph, Vizier of Egypt, Prophet
his father → Patriarch Jacob
his father → Matriarch Rebecca / רבקה אמנו
his mother
Such problems with the software can make people feel crazy. :D