There are 300-year jumps in the dates in this line
I dream of the day when people might stop adding speculative connections that can't be validated and/or that have obvious problems. sigh. lol
Since this is so far back and has no curator, I think we should get a curator involved to help correct the connections. I ran into this profile because a cousin posted a pathway to an ancestor we hadn't known about, but the lines 'falls apart' when you start looking into it. That's the problem, false pathways showing on Geni due to bad connections.
I've reached out to the curator assigned to her husband's profile and hope he will help with the issues.
Luis E. Echeverría Domínguez, Voluntary Curator
Well, I did find a Spanish author who claimed she was the sister of Egbert, king of Wessex(also%20spelled,returned%20and%20took%20the%20throne.
His brother also shared a keen interest in Galician history and heraldry.
Well, as the notes in her profile state: "... according to some records, the daughter of King Egbert of England..."
But, as Jason pointed out, he found no record of her in the Wessex royal pedigrees either as Egbert's daughter or sister.
Unfortunately, I don't read Spanish, Debra, but I do see her name mentioned in the link to the book but can't read any of the rest of that section to know what it's saying or to know what sources were used for that information. Hopefully Luis can shed some light on that for those of us who don't read Spanish.