I worked at the Hotel De La Bere ..Formally Southam House Built by John Huddleston. Whilst working there for 6 months-ish i encountered several Ghosts, one of which was the most beautiful woman spirit i have ever seen before that day or since in the real world.
She was obviously an high status Lady or Princess as she was dressed in Royal blue velvet gown and dripping with class and bling.
That vision has haunted my mind on occasion over the years and i would love to nail down who this spectre was back in Tudor times.
Of course it is probably an impossible task but maybe it was Jane or some high status Lady waiting for an audience with the King who had his Castle Sudley not far up over Cleeve Hill.
If anyone has knowledge of a Painting of Jane Huddleston in existence i would surely love to see it. It may just be the Lady i saw that day.