Please Merge: Mary of Scotland, Countess of Angus
and Mary of Scotland, Countess of Angus.
This profile currently shows that Mary Stewart is my 20Th great grandmother ; when in reality she is my 16th great gandmother.
Her 4th Husband: Sir William Edmonstone of Duntreath (my 15th gr gf) also has duplicated profiles: Sir, Kt. William Edmonston
Thank You Kindly :-) (:-)
I noticed that you made those duplicates. Read this, kind regards, Saga
I took a look from that shorter line, the sources are missing and there seem to be long list of duplicates. So your shorter line that you have made here to Geni might not be accurate. These need some cleaning.
Unproved Pedigrees: Disputed Ancestry
At least one pedigree published by MyHeritage identifies Robert Edmonstone, here treated, the son of John Edmonstone and Elizabeth Edmonstone, as the same person as Robert Edmonston of St. George;s County in Colonial Maryland. A second identifies the same man as the son of John Edmonstone and Elizabeth Hardie. Both say that he was born in Colonial Maryland, one says in 1645, the other in 1648. MyHeritage
At least one other pedigree published by MyHeritage manages to confuse the younger brother of Robert Edmonstone, here treated, who was also named Robert Edmonstone, with both Robert Edmonston of St. George;s County in Colonial Maryland, and with William Edmundson MyHeritage
The Question of Identity
The mane of Robert Edmonstone, here treated, is known only from a 1699 account of the family of Edmonstone of Duntreath, where he is said to be the third son of Mr. John Edmonstone of Broich and his first wife Elizabeth Edmonstone. He had a younger brother who was also named Robert, He was the fourth son of his father's second wife Catherine Cunningham. Although it cannot be regarded as being certain, it seems quite likely, probable even, that Robert Edmonstone, here treated, predeceased his younger brother with the same name. Evidence that he survived has certainly not been found. Duntreth: pp. 13-4
An Account of the Edmonstone Family
"The seventh Laird of Duntreth called, William Edmonston, married Issobel Hadden, Daughter to the Laird of Glennegies, and had by her five Sons and two Daughters, . . . . . . . . . . John Edmonston third Son to said William Edmonston of Duntreth, married Eliz. Edmonston, Daughter to John Edmonston of Broich, and got with her both the Lands of Broich in Scotland, and the Lands of Bellibantro in Ireland; and had by her four Sons and five Daughters; William his Eldest Son, James his second Son, Robert his third Son, and [blank space] Edmonston his fourth Son: His eldest Daughter called Issobel, married to Crawfurd of Walston, and had issue; his second Daughter called, Jean; his third; his fourth Helen; and his fifth Agnes, married to Andrew Adair, and had issue. Secondly the said John Edmonston married Catherine Cunningham, of the family of Glengarnock, and had by her five Sons and two Daughters: The Eldest Son called Archibald; the second John; the third Son James; the fourth son Robert; the fifth Son Alexander: His Eldest Daughter called, Katherine, and Anna his second Daughter. William Edmonston Eldest Son of the said John Edmonston by his first Wife, married Jean Buchanan, of the Family of Buchanan, and had by her six Sons and four Daughters; William, John, Archibald, Robert, James; his Daughters, Eliz. Mary Jean & Anna-Helena: James Edmonston the third Son of the said John Edmonston by his second Wife, married Margaret Lindsay, Daughter to the Laird of Dow-hill in Fife, and had by her two Sons and five Daughters; John and Robert, Katherine, Anna-Helena, Margaret, Eliz, and Lettice". Duntreth: pp. 13-4 Link supplied by Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert.."
You have so many duplicates done
Sir William Edmonston
Sir William Edmonstone of Duntreath
Sir James Edmonston
Sir James Edmonstone of Duntreath, 6th of Duntreath
That William what you asked to be merged is wrong. I suggest you go through your line with geni, they all exist already and some have errors
Private User Yes Ma'am I am aware of this confusion that exists, It was not created by me... In fact I became a member of Geni to help straighten and correct the errors / mistakes in the Geni World Tree!
What I and other descendants of this Royal Edmonstone & Stewart lineage genealogists agree to as accurate & correct has been basically DENIED by the Geni/Status Quo., as to the fact that this Source Publication actually exists and Is Highly Accurate. Further; Using DNA in previous collaborations with my "Known Cousins" I can prove using DNA triangulation that these lines are accurate.
Ref: 'My Own Edmonstons And A Few More' Is not regarded within Geni as a reliable Source. Although it is a publicized manuscript in the National Archives. Nor can I find an actual copy of this Source publication to view or purchase, only excerpts are available scattered throughout the WWW. This publication is not written in the normal book form, Instead it is written as excerpts of the publishers Life Works.
That being said: I fear that these Proven Lines will not be accepted in Geni now or anytime in the future - before I too go to meet Saint Peter at The Pearly Gates. Here in Geni, I am not experienced enough nor confident of my skills enough to make all of these greatly needed mergers. More simply said: Because of the failure of my first important merger... I am now very leery of the normal processes in Geni. This conflict has Tapped & or Drained my energies to the point that I stopped trying to do mergers in Geni = Frankly it has simply drained much of the desire within me to fix any of the mistakes of this Lineage here in Geni that existed before I arrived.
VIRTUS AUGET HONOREM = Virtue Increases Honor: Is the Clan Edmonstone Motto. This is my intent. I am not getting any actual help or step by step instruction in the doing of these mergers, other than being pointed towards the discrepancies & the end result of what needs to happen. I am well aware of these duplicates... Though I haven't the foggiest notion of how to proceed.
John P Vickery IV, I think that most of us struggle in the first attempts with navigating Geni. Someone such as gentle Private User is always nice enough to help. There are others on here. Lots of help in the Geni projects too.
What I would advise if you are wanting to improve the Medieval tree is that you work to get all lines up through that as straight as possible and then work through curated profiles. There are so many vacant profiles with no source information on them that it is usually a welcome thing to put up a source or information in the about. Then launch a discussion off the profile "Discussion" tab of recent evidence that you have to share or information of you think a change should be made. When you launch a discussion off an individual profile, you bring in not just the profile management but followers get notified and may have information or could weight in. (I know the proper protocol is to let the managers know then launch a discussion, but sometimes managers are inactive and this may roust them awake. At least you have tried.)
You will be able to do a lot without doing a merge. Besides "cutting is dangerous." I have been on here now about four or five years, but I cut with fear and trepidation. Best to you. S.
John P Vickery IV
no worries. this Geni is a slightly different platform. There is one big WORLD family tree here and we are all working together, helping each other out. I did not dare to touch that American tree, there are great knowledgeable curators here and even though their work does not ever end, they still help and I see you have been kindly merged.
It is good that you mention that there are more source information so maybe new information can be added here. The big tree is changing all the time, findind more paths, when added new information, it is important that we examine the paths themselves if they look funny.
There is no need to do any big changes alone here. Medieval trees in particular, tend to exist here from the largest countries. Now that you explore your ancestors, you will quickly find many many new connections, both through the female and male lines, it provides additional richness to genealogy.
Welcome to the Big Geni Family, kind regards Saga