available Medlands & available children on the unfounded wrong clone Béatrice Marguerite de Faucigny (for sure by Draft Wiki ENG:)
(all Wikis agree with MedLands, except the draft English and Indonesian :)
Hi Terry Jackson (Switzer)
PLZ remove total lock I can finish fixing the knot in a few minutes...
I'm attached apparently to the wrong clone through Beatrix de Genève. Looks like some clean up of the 4 MPd children attached to Béatrice Marguerite de Faucigny needs to occur too. I wish I knew how to help, but this is out of my league. Wrestling Americans is more my thing, but I learn so much of history following these in my lines and even what is not history. :-)
Susanne Floyd don't worry everything is under control, I have already checked the perimeter with primary sources and encyclopedias,
now it's just a matter of waiting respectfully (C still good active) Terry Jackson (Switzer) to come back active and find the request to work better on her node locked :)
Sorry I wasout yesterday doing volunteer environmental work so only just got this dicussion thread. I have unloccked Béatrice Marguerite de Faucigny
The others are not locked.
the relationship block of Béatrice Marguerite de Faucigny (or on her husband?) prevents me from adding the first child and reordering them...
Susanne Floyd I know, you're right that
Béatrice Marguerite de Faucigny it can't stay there, (she was confused with her sister) I'm studying a better position: (PLZ any one give an opinion):
-but the position in [brackets] of ML as the insiders know .. are very approximate
-wiki tree is also not supported by large documents (her dates probably come from it)
-with the current dates she cannot stay here or in ML position.
-if we want to follow Wiki tree the problem arises which mother of the 3 brides to assign it to (wiki tree goes them in the dark)
--> do we put she on the ML position whitening the dates? ('',
PS. wikipedias have gone into confusion, confusing her with her mother ^^'
While we all think about it, PLZ
Terry Jackson (Switzer) remove relationship lock to Béatrice Marguerite de Faucigny (or on her husband? T.T) or maybe ad Aimon #2 & renumbering
3. MARGUERITE [Beatrix]
4. AMEDEE de Genève (-17 Dec [1220]).
5. GUILLAUME [II] (-25 Nov 1252).
6. AGATHE (-Finale 1247).
*Sorry I can't rewrite everything to put the right link sorry:
Beatrix de Genève can't stay there, (she was confused with her sister) I'm studying a better position: (PLZ any one give an opinion):
-but the position in [brackets] of ML as the insiders know .. are very approximate
-wiki tree is also not supported by large documents (her dates probably come from it)
-with the current dates she cannot stay here or in ML position.
-if we want to follow Wiki tree the problem arises which mother of the 3 brides to assign it to (wiki tree goes them in the dark)
--> do we put she on the ML position whitening the dates? ('',
PS. wikipedias have gone into confusion, confusing her with her mother ^^'
Livio Scremin, nothing worse than bad Wikipedia references or Find a Grave confusions. I think that the confusion is noted in Medlands here:
From https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/burgkgenev.htm
Guillaume [I] & his second wife had five children:
2. AIMON (1174-[1191/95]). "Willelmus…Gebennensis comes" founded the Chartreuse monstery of Pommiers, with the consent of "Humbertus filius meus…B. quoque uxor mea et filius meus Aymo quinquennis", by charter dated 1179[102].
3. MARGUERITE [Beatrix] (-8 Apr 1257, bur Abbaye de Hautecombe). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Margareta filia domni de Fusceneis de matre Guilelmi, filii Humberti comitis Gebenensis" as wife of "comitis Thome de Sabaudia"[103]. As noted below, Marguerite is also called Beatrix in later sources. No explanation has been found for these dual names. The fact that "Beatrix" appears in a seal shows that it was not a transcription error. "Thomæ comitis et marchionis…et…Nichola [presumably a transcription error] filia comitis Gebennarum" granted privileges to the citizen of Susa by charter dated 25 Feb 1198[104]. The Complete Peerage[105] refers to unspecified "later writers" who evolved an incorrect theory that Thomas I Comte de Maurienne was married firstly to Béatrix and, after her death without issue, secondly to Marguerite, daughter of Guillaume de Faucigny, who was the mother of his children. The same source confirms that the two names in fact refer to the same person. A charter dated 1224 records an agreement between "Thomæ com. Sabaud" and the bishop of Sion, witnessed by "ipse Thomas comes, Amedeus primogenitus illius, Comitissa uxor Thomæ, eorum quatuor filii clerici…Willelmus, Thomas, Petrus et Bonifacius"[106]. "M. comitissa Maurian. uxor Thomæ comitis Maurianensis et marchionis Italiæ" donated property, with the consent of "Thomas com. Maurianæ et filii mei Amedeus et Aymo", by charter dated Dec 1227[107]. "Beatrix uxor comitis Thomæ, Amadeus primogenitus et Aymo filii eius" confirmed the purchase of Chambéry by "Thoma comite" by charter dated 1232, with the seal of "Beatricis comitisse Sabaudie"[108]. "Contessa Margarita di Savoia Marchesa in Italia" donated property to "Tomaso suo figlio Conte di Fiandra e d'Hainaut" with the consent of "Conte Amedeo di Savoia suo figlio Primogenito", by charter dated 4 Jan 1244[109]. The Pingonio Chronicon records the death "VI Id Apr" in 1257 of "Domina Beatrix de Gebennis comitissa Sabaudie et domina de Narembors, parens comitum Sabaudie"[110]. m ([1196]) THOMAS I Comte de Savoie, son of HUMBERT III Comte de Maurienne et de Savoie & his fourth wife Béatrix de Vienne [Bourgogne-Comté] (Château de Carbonara 1178 after 26 Jun-Moncalieri 1 Mar 1233, bur Saint-Michel de la Cluse).
And several more children. There was a Beatrix and a Beatrix Marguerite, it seems. Maybe I am reading this right. Like I said, I am better at wrestling early Americans.
OK I proceed, you add a brother to Marguerite Beatrice of Savoy (then I fill it in and I ask for administration for the renumbering, no you have to do that too:)
Beatrix de Genève moved in ML position & bleached the unsorted dates, but she have some fileds locked..
(C)Terry Jackson (Switzer) PLZ have to remove Guillaume parent.
Erica Howton I am sure if you come to help @Terry she will not mind.. I understand that not everyone can interpret my itanglish & the area is dotted with blocks whose positions are not remembered. (..a bit like a minefield:)
1-the main subject of discussion has been resolved.
2-however as immediately suggested by Susanne Floyd there was a little problem gutted, simplified, schematized, (and solved?) by me here: *https://www.geni.com/discussions/225391?msg=1447198
3-you need to (C) remove parent Guillaume, to Beatrix de Genève (Humbert is right)
99-PS. Private User I would worry more about your first degree conflicts, than going to cut around medieval "work in progress" whit primary sources. & ..yes yes I am sorry that the conflict has been there all weekend, but it is not my fault that @ Terry has gone skiing.. everything had to last 5 minutes :D
to finish also in detail like ML add also a BRO #2 "Aimon" to Marguerite Beatrice of Savoy (then I compile it with ML)
then reorder :
#3. MARGUERITE [Beatrix]
#4. AMEDEE de Genève (-17 dic [1220]).
#5. GUILLAUME [II] (-25 novembre 1252).
#6. AGATHE (-Finale 1247).
I repeat the whole area is littered with forgotten blocks, so you (C) have to go by trial and error until you can^^'
come on, little by little we make it.. within the profiles we manage there is the numbering of siblings: perform reorder.
after point-3 of *https://www.geni.com/discussions/225391?msg=1447708 :
--> remove parent Guillaume to Beatrix de Genève (Humbert is right)
Well the cut is done.
Also & the order is right, however the numbers are not:
because since the first born is from the first wife, the sibling group should be numbered manually.. (skipping #1 and with the little finger write 2,3,4,5,6)
..yes, this is the level of detail I take care on the nodes where I pass ;D
Thanks Livio Scremin and Alex Moes for working through this. Beatrix de Genève is my 22nd great grandmother. Now Béatrice Marguerite de Faucigny is my 24th great grand and I think you have them sorted. Happy to know there is some measure of order on the tree somewhere. :-)