Rabbi Avraham ben Zalman Kermer-Reguler (Magid), bto. of GRA - 1765 Ariogala Poll Tax List

Started by Private User on Saturday, March 20, 2021
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The 1765 poll tax list gives the following info:

House #45:

* Abram ben Szlomo (head)
* ? (wife)
* Gierszel ben Abram (son)
* Zalman ben Abram (son)
* Pesia bat Abram (daughter)
* Dweyra bat Abram (daughter)

This is clearly R Avraham, as they're the last on the list for Ariogala.

If someone has the Chaim Freedman book maybe these children could be checked there: http://eliyahusbranches.blogspot.com/2018/08/genetic-master-list-fo...

I don't, but you could email him.

My Ron Hurwitz has large matching dna segments with a Ragoler. His is my moms first cousin and descended from the Gaon.

My mom's first cousin Ron Hurwitz has large matching dna segments with a Ragoler. His is descended from the Gaon. There are also close matches with Zhiv and many other families found in Chaim Freedman's book. I have close cousins descended from the Sacks Wolf family as well who are from this family as well.

I'm re-opening this discussion to ask whether someone has documented the son: R' Judah Aryey Leib Maggid of Vilna He is not mentioned in Otsr HaRabanim, which suggests that maybe it is a dubious connection.

1808 death. Might appear in LitvakSIG records, or in the 1785/6 poll tax for Zemaiciu?

I think it is plausible actually. Checked LitvakSIG for Zemaiciu.

In 1816 there's Eliahs be Abram Magit (age 71), who is another brother. i.e. Rabbi Eliyahu Magid-Ragoler Noach Ragoler, A.B.D. Neustadt-Sugunt

There's also various records for Abram ben Leyb Magid, who might be a son of R Judah.

Hopefully Randy Schoenberg can provide other sources. Looks like maybe this is from the Unbroken Chain.

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