Eberhard was from an illustrious Frankish family, though his parentage is debated.[2] His marriage to the daughter of Emperor Louis the Pious cemented his eminent position at the Frankish court.
Children (with Gisela, daughter of Louis the Pious)
Eberhard (c. 837 – 840)
Ingeltrude (837 or 840 – 870), possibly married Henry, Margrave of the Franks
Unruoch III (c. 840 – 874)
Bèrenger (c. 845 – 924), King of Italy
Adélard (d. 874)
Rudolf (d. 892)
Heilwise (b. 860)
Gisèle (d. 863)
Judith of Friuli (died ca. 881), first married Arnulf I of Bavaria, second married Conrad II of Auxerre.
Disputed parentage
Paternity theories
His father was Unruoch II.[3]
"His father was Berengar, the son of Count Unroch."[4]
"After other authors, Unroch, the grandfather of Saint Evrard, should have been the Duke of Frioul."[4]
"Alas, some have written that Saint Evrard had for his father Carloman I, the brother of Charlemagne."[4]
"His grandfather was, it is said, the Count Unroch who was leaving the court of Charlemagne and signatory to the will of the emperor."[4]
Maternity theories
His mother was Engeltron of Paris, a daughter of Begue, Count of Paris.[3]
"As for his mother, she was, Buzelin says, the daughter of Didier, king of the Lombards.
He was the oldest successor of Eberhard of Friuli. He married Ava, a daughter of Liutfrid of Monza, and left a son Eberhard of Sulichgau who married Ermentrude of France, granddaughter of Charles the Bald, but was succeeded by his brother Berengar. He left a daughter who became a nun in Brescia and was abducted by men of Liutward of Vercelli in 887 and forced to marry one of his relatives.