Consistency Check:The age of John Hammons exceeds 105 years.Phoebe M. Morgan (Settle) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Mildred Elizabeth Ann Hammon (Morgan).Benjamin Morgan is under 12 years old for the birth of his child Mildred Elizabeth Ann Hammon (Morgan).Mildred Elizabeth Ann Hammon (Morgan) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child John B. Hammond (Hamon), Sr.Mildred Elizabeth Ann Hammon (Morgan) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child John Hammons.Mildred Elizabeth Ann Hammon (Morgan) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Ephraim Hammons.John Hammons born after the death of his mother Mildred Elizabeth Ann Hammon (Morgan).John Hammons born after the death of his father Ambrose Dudley Hammon.