my geneology information from what i was give is as follows i am a descendant of King David also if u havent looked into Laurance gauthers book he goes into great detail https://youtu.be/3IlCPB1TZ_c
my geneology line is as follows:
David King Of Judah And Israel 1000-970
96th great-grandfather
Solomon King Of Israel And Judah 968-926
Son of David King Of Judah And Israel
Rehoboam Roboam King Of Judah 928-911
Son of Solomon King Of Israel And Judah
Abijah Abia King Of Judah 911-908
Son of Rehoboam Roboam King Of Judah
Jehoshaphat King Of Judah 868-851
Son of Abijah Abia King Of Judah
Jeboram Joram King Of Judah 851-843
Son of Jehoshaphat King Of Judah
Ahaziah King Of Judah 843-
Son of Jeboram Joram King Of Judah
Joash King Of Judah
Son of Ahaziah King Of Judah
Amaziah King Of Judah 799-785
Son of Joash King Of Judah
Uzziah Oziah King Of Judah 785-742
Son of Amaziah King Of Judah
Ahaz Achaz King Of Judah
Son of Uzziah Oziah King Of Judah
Hezekiah Hezkias King Of Judah
Son of Ahaz Achaz King Of Judah
Manasseh Manasses King Of Judah
Son of Hezekiah Hezkias King Of Judah
Amon Amots King Of Judah
Son of Manasseh Manasses King Of Judah
Josiah Josias King Of Judah
Son of Amon Amots King Of Judah
Jehohaz King Of Judah 609-
Son of Josiah Josias King Of Judah
Jechoniah Jehoiakin King Of Judah Hostage In Babylon
Son of Jehohaz King Of Judah
Shealtiel Salathiel
Son of Jechoniah Jehoiakin King Of Judah Hostage In Babylon
Zorobabel Zerubbabel Prince of Judah
Son of Shealtiel Salathiel
joanna johannan
Daughter of Zorobabel Zerubbabel Prince of Judah
Mattathias I Arama
Son of joanna johannan
Son of Mattathias I Arama
Son of maath
Son of Nagge
Son of Esli
Son of Naum
Mattathias II Temple Governor Tobias
Son of Amos
Joseph Temple Governor
Son of Mattathias II Temple Governor Tobias
Janna Johanan
Daughter of Joseph Temple Governor
Melchi Head of the sanhedrin Council
Son of Janna Johanan
Son of Melchi Head of the sanhedrin Council
Jacob Patriatch
Son of Matthan
Son of Jacob Patriatch
Jesus The Messiah NaN-73
Son of Joseph
Sarah NaN-69
Daughter of Jesus The Messiah
Queen Boudicca of the Celtic Iceni
Daughter of Sarah
King Coel I of Cama-lot Colchester
Son of Queen Boudicca of the Celtic Iceni
Llieffer Mawr King Lucius 170-
Son of King Coel I of Cama-lot Colchester
Son of Llieffer Mawr King Lucius
Catheloys Castellors
Son of Eurgen
Son of Catheloys Castellors
Son of Manael FRANKS
Boaz Anfortas
Son of Frimutel
Son of Boaz Anfortas
Faramud Lord of west Franks
Son of Frotmund
Fredemundus sire of the Franks
Son of Faramud Lord of west Franks
Prince Nascien I of the SEPTIMANIA
Son of Fredemundus sire of the Franks
Son of Prince Nascien I of the SEPTIMANIA
Nascien II of the SEPTIMANIA
Son of Celedoin SEPTIMANIA
Chilpéric II, king of the Burgundians 450-493
Son of Nascien II of the SEPTIMANIA
Chlotilde 466-545
Daughter of Chilpéric II, king of the Burgundians
King Theuderic I Of Austrasia
Son of Chlotilde
King Theodebald D’Austasie
Son of King Theuderic I Of Austrasia
Carloman Of Landen
Son of King Theodebald D’Austasie
Pepin I Of Landen
Son of Carloman Of Landen
Begue Begge Of Landen
Daughter of Pepin I Of Landen
Pepin II The Fat Of Heristal
Son of Begue Begge Of Landen
Charles Martel King of the Franks
Son of Pepin II The Fat Of Heristal
Pepin III The Short King of the Franks
Son of Charles Martel King of the Franks
Charlemagne King of the Franks 748-814
Son of Pepin III The Short King of the Franks
Pepin, King of Italy 777-810
Son of Charlemagne King of the Franks
Bernard of Italy
Son of Pepin, King of Italy
Pippin Comte de Senlis, Peronne and St.Quintin 815-850
Son of Bernard of Italy
Herbert I of Vermandois 850-
Son of Pippin Comte de Senlis, Peronne and St.Quintin
Herbert II of Vermandois
Son of Herbert I of Vermandois
Robert of Vermandois
Son of Herbert II of Vermandois
Adele of Meaux 934-982
Daughter of Robert of Vermandois
Ermengarde-Gerberga of Anjou 956-1024
Daughter of Adele of Meaux
Judith of Brittany 982-1017
Daughter of Ermengarde-Gerberga of Anjou
Robert II *The Magnificant* Of Normandy 1000-1035
Son of Judith of Brittany
William the Conqueror 1028-1087
Son of Robert II *The Magnificant* Of Normandy
King Henry I 1068-1135
Son of William the Conqueror
Empress Matilda Of Normandy 1102-1167
Daughter of King Henry I
King Henry II Of England 1133-1189
Son of Empress Matilda Of Normandy
John Of Lackland King of England 1166-1216
Son of King Henry II Of England
Joan Plantagenet Lady Snowdon 1188-1237
Daughter of John Of Lackland King of England
Marged Verch LIewelyn 1202-1264
Daughter of Joan Plantagenet Lady Snowdon
Sir William De Braose Lord Buckingham & Bramber 1224-1291
Son of Marged Verch LIewelyn
Sir William Gascoigne Of Gawthorpe Knt. Valet Of The Crown 1366-1422
Son of Sir William De Braose Lord Buckingham & Bramber
Alice Gascoigne 1415-1493
Daughter of Sir William Gascoigne Of Gawthorpe Knt. Valet Of The Crown
Isabel Mirfield 1431-1488
Daughter of Alice Gascoigne
Jane Wentworth 1451-1522
Daughter of Isabel Mirfield
Oliver Wentworth 1489-1558
Son of Jane Wentworth
William Wentworth 1525-1574
Son of Oliver Wentworth
Christoper Wentworth 1556-1633
Son of William Wentworth
William WENTWORTH 1584-1690
Son of Christoper Wentworth
Edward WENTWORTH 1617-1682
Son of William WENTWORTH
William Wentworth 1649-1682
Son of Edward WENTWORTH
Elizabeth Wentworth 1676-1736
Daughter of William Wentworth
Margaret Smith 1716-1760
Daughter of Elizabeth Wentworth
James Holsworth 1743-1813
Son of Margaret Smith
James Holsworth 1795-1839
Son of James Holsworth
Son of James Holsworth
William Holsworth 1871-1947
William Augustus Holsworth 1902-1990
Son of William Holsworth
Elizabeth Laura Holsworth 1934-
Daughter of William Augustus Holsworth
Arthur Nielsen 1958-
Son of Elizabeth Laura Holsworth
Kaitlin Nielsen
You are the daughter of Arthur Nielsen
The "Western Wall" is NOT part of the Temple itself.
It is merely a retaining wall built by King Herod to expand the Temple MOUNT. In fact this wall was BEHIND the Temple, i.e. the least important part of the Temple Mount.
The Temple will be located more to the center of the Temple Mount, in the general area of the Dome of the Rock.