The profilemaker has written to me and say that he is not allowed to write an answer in this discussion, nor are the two next admins.
He say that his wifes sister, Norma, has written/reported to Mike and told why.
If you're interested Mike, I can get one of them to tell me why in a PM and I can post that in this discussion.
I see on Dec. 20, 2021, for the one added in 2008, four people were removed as Managers, apparently each by themself, and then 5 minutes after the fourth one, it MPd and then locked and relationship lockeded (with no changes) by Anette Guldager Boye
The four removing themselves as Managers are shown to me as <private> (Marcussen (mtH at)) Marcussen -- <private> Pind --- <private> Nørgaard -- <private> Kjær Nørgaard
The one created on Dec 20 2021 looks to have been created by <private> Pind, Bodil's 6th great grandson.- about two minutes after removing as a Manager of the other - and the other three then added themselves as Managers of the new one.
Anette, - Bjorn was talking about folks wanting to be listed as a Manager - but they already were. So can you explain how creating this new one possibly qualifies as being a Profile Hunter? And what are you referring to by "that also cuts of other peoples profiles."?
Mike Stangel
Revision Tab shows the most recent merge on the 2008 one was Jan 2021 between one created on 6/6/2014 and one created in 2020 - how did that result in version that says created in 2008? Or can Revision Tab be fixed?
This is the answer from Mr. Pind:
"I saw that my wife was no longer manager of the profile, Bodil Knudsdatter, my 6th great grandmother, and thought it must be a mistake or bug, maybe the same way a lot of my family profiles were deleted in May and we have heard nothing about. I made a new profile of Bodil Knudsdatter and merged it with the other one. The 2 profiles have now been split again, and I can see that it is now closed and her parents as well, just like her grandfather, Kjeld Lauritsen was closed last year, when my sister-in-law and my wife filled in all the ancestors and relatives, I share with my brother-in-law. My wife and my sister-in-law have talked about my closed 7th great grandfather and do not understand why this curator locked the profile, because they had not finished putting documents on and had more family to add to him.
I don't understand, what I did wrong, because it looks as if other users make copies of profiles every day. I know, my wife has complained about another user copying her profiles, but my wife has always been told, it is not against Geni rules to make copies. Do some users have special rules?"
I'm not able to answer any questions or comments you have since the words aren't mine. I'm just conveying what he wanted me to write in this discussion.
Locking a Profile without checking with other Managers who have been active and/or telling them to let one know if they ever find anything needs changing seems wrong to me.
Looking at the profile's parents, I see Bodil's father's name has been removed - Curator's note includes a line that Chrome's Translate translates as
"Locked to be directed to. Merge has removed the original name." - That does not make sense to me, and The Revision Tab does not show a Merge that might have deleted the name. It shows Anette deleted it.
Isn't removing the name like that Vandalism - or does the Curator's note actually explain why, just needs a better translation - or?
Anette Guldager Boye please un-MP or unlock the MP so all documentation and family can be corrected here and so the profiles in this family all can be corrected by the managers that have the documents and researched this family.
The need of making copies has been due to a constant laboration of other managers and at least one curator, with removing managers or putting managers as prime managers, making it very hard for the 3 managers in question, as they only have the Basic membership. Whole branches has been deleted (and as they don't get e-mails about it, they haven't been able to know who deleted or to react in time).
Two of the menagers live in the same household and are married to each other - regarding IP-check. This is pointless and noone is using someone elses account. The third manager is a sister.
Mike Stangel
Please unlock both managers and MPs in this area.
All the best!
It looks like the requests of Susanna Barnevik
were never acted on nor responded to as the last entry on the revision Tab is
"Bodil Knudsdatter's profile was locked by Anette (Nielsen) Guldager Boye. all
Dec 20, 2021 at"
(three minutes after it was Relationship locked)