Barbara Philipps Asks:
I saw the Wiki article and I understand that the consensus is that Bridget (Unk) Window was not the wife of Richard Goodwin - but I do not understand why and what sources caused that change, when you have a source like "The Ancestors of Guilford..." etc. that states that she is. I am trying to learn what sources can be trusted and how Genealogists make the decisions. I also see that Henry Travers is listed on the passenger manifest of the Mary & John 1633/34, but that she is not; so that a fair assumption could be made that she was not on that voyage, even though other sources claim that she was. And I still go back to that statement that Richard Window considered Richard Gooding as a "son" and wonder why.
I thank you for any help you can give me to help me understand these discrepancies.
This is in response to:
Confusion: identification of Bridget (unknown) Window
Pending further evidence, Anderson's conclusion found on p. 93 of Great Migration: "...Henry Travers had only one wife, that Bridget did not have an earlier husband, and that her surname remains unknown."
See also unknown Window
Barbara Philipps - I have a clear understanding now of the relationship of Bridget to Richard Goodwin. It’s delineated in the 1665 will of Richard Window of Gloucester, and the Will had been mis interpreted by some genealogists. However, it’s clear enough if you think about it as you read it, and you should be able to understand the conclusion reached by Anderson in his article for Henry Travers in the Great Migration Begins. That book series is considered “the Gold Standard” of New England genealogy.
Sources are attached to profiles.
The summary is that Richard Window married 3 times, and each was a widow with children by a previous marriage; his biological child was Ann Window. Three step children are listed in his Will after Ann - Richard Goodwin, Anthony Bennet, and Elizabeth Bennet. Richard Goodwin was the son of his unknown 1st wife, and the Bennett’s were children of his 2nd wife, Elinor, who was also Ann Window’s mother. Bridget was named as his wife.
Bridget, widow of Richard Window, named Henry & Sarah Travers in her own estate papers, so evidently she had no Window children - or any other surnamed children.
Tagging the relevant profiles.
Married 1) unknown Window widow of Unknown Goodwin with children 1) Elizabeth Bennett (uncertain) (first wife of Anthony Bennett of Bass River); 2) Richard Goodwin of Gloucester (married Hannah Goodwin)
Married 2) Elinor Window their child Ann Woodbury (married Humphrey Woodbury, II)
Elinor Window had married 1) John Bennett their children 1) Elizabeth Davis (married Jacob Davis); 2) Anthony Bennett of Bass River (married 1) Elizabeth Bennett his step sister; 2) Abigail Bennet; children include Anthony Bennett, Jr. my 6th great grandfather.)
Married 3) Bridget Window widow of Henry Travers, of Newbury with children 1) Sarah Marsh (married 1) Nicholas Wallingford 2) Onesiphorus Marsh, Sr.); 2) James Travers (married Mercy Travers)
Addressing sourcing some more:
Henry Travers is listed on the passenger manifest of the Mary & John 1633/34, but that she is not; so that a fair assumption could be made that she was not on that voyage, even though other sources claim that she was. …
The Mary & John passenger list is known to be incomplete, so I’m not sure this is relevant here? There seems no doubt from other documents that Bridget was abandoned in America with two babies and no money.