Isabella Rossellini is your 28th cousin once removed.
→ David Ronald Davis
your father → Raymond Earl Davis
his father → Ralph Raymond Davis
his father → Luther T Davis
his father → William Lewis Davis
his father → Rezin Hammond Davis, Jr.
his father → Capt. Rezin Hammond Davis
his father → Francis Davis
his father → Thomas Fredrick Davis
his father → James Davis, of Nansemond
his father → Maj. Thomas Davis, of Nansemond
his father → Capt. James Davies
his father → Elizabeth Davis
his mother → Agnes Lawrence
her mother → Elizabeth Holmes
her mother → Lady Jane Marie Warburton
her mother → Sir William Stanley, Kt.
her father → Joan Goushill, Baroness of Stanley
his mother → Elizabeth FitzAlan, Duchess of Norfolk
her mother → Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of Arundel
her father → Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel
his father → Alice de Warenne, Countess of Arundel
his mother → Sir William de Warenne
her father → Alix de Lusignan
his mother → Isabella of Angoulême
her mother → Alice de Courtenay, comtesse d'Angoulême
her mother → Pierre, de France, Seigneur de Courtenay
her father → Louis VI the Fat, king of France
his father → Bertha of Holland
his mother → Gertrude of Saxony, Countess of Flanders
her mother → Adela of Flanders
her daughter → Princess Ingegerd Knutsdotter af Danmark, of Denmark
her daughter → Jarl Bengt Folkesson Snivel
her son → Magnus Bengtsson Minnesköld (Folkungaätten)
his son → Jarl Birger Magnusson (Folkungaätten)
his son → Gregers Birgersson (Bjälboättens oäkta gren)
his son → NN-2 Gregersdotter (Bjälboättens oäkta gren)
his daughter → Margareta Philipsdotter (Örnsparre)
her daughter → NN Magnusdotter (Tunasons ätt)
her daughter → Bengt Fadersson (Sparre av Hjulsta och Ängsö), d.ä.
her son → Märta Bengtsdotter (Sparre av Hjulsta och Ängsö)
his daughter → Elin Andersdotter (Ulfstand av Årby)
her daughter → Dorotea Arendsdotter Pinnow
her daughter → Bengta Bülow
her daughter → Nils Jönsson i Hå (Halvhjort av Älmtaryd)
her son → Ingrid Nilsdotter
his daughter → Margareta Hakansdotter
her daughter → Ingegerd Johansdotter
her daughter → Carolina Krok
her daughter → Elisabet Lohm
her daughter → Gustaf Hielmberg
her son → Abraham Hielmberg
his son → Elisabet Hielmberg
his daughter → Brita Sophia Rundqvist
her daughter → Samuel Justus Lorentz Bengtsson
her son → Britta Sophia Samuelsdotter
his daughter → Justus Bergman
her son → Ingrid Bergman
his daughter → Isabella Rossellini
her daughter