Árpád(házi) II. András - Andrew II, King of Hungary
ANDRÁS II King of Hungary (1176-21 Sep 1235, bur Egres, Cistercian Abbey).
s/o BÉLA III & Agnès [Anna] de Châtillon-sur-Loing
x > 1203 GERTRUD
xx 1215 YOLANDE
xxx 1234 BEATRICE
Lord Bruce Ross Myers
Private User
Nivea Nunes Dias
@Bjørn Petter Brox
'James I married twice. In 1221 he married Leonor, daughter of Alfonso VIII of Castile, but he later divorced her and in 1235 married the daughter of Andrew II of Hungary, Yolande, by whom he had many children. '
Hello Cousins!!
I was flabbergasted about a year ago when I discovered that my Grandmother was once
the Queen of Argon. I was even more amazed that i am descended from the Arpad, Magyar, line.
I am thrilled that I contain the Genes of a King that led his people from the South East of Russia and the North East of China to the Hungarian Plain around 847 AD. I would have been thrilled to make that journey!! Also, I am amazed at the people I am kin to today due to my lineage!
My youngest daughter's mother in law dabbles in genealogy. She just discovered that We are related through Prince Phillip III who was married to Isabel of Argon, daughter of Grandmother Queen Violante. When I first found out about my heritage, I immediately phoned the Hungarian
Embassy in Washington, D C, U S A . Unfortunately due to the late unpleasantness they were closed. However, they left a number in Hungary to call.. I got Igor on the line. I told him that He was to immediately get the Castle ready, clean sheets, plenty of Grub and Grogg, trim the hedges etc.
Also, He was to make sure the palace was completely staffed. And, He was to ship me two round trip first class tickets Pronto. I asked Him to also leave a brand new B M W at the Budapest Hungary airport with a sack of cash, small bills Hundreds and fifty's, American, stashed under the seat.
Igor Replied, "Hungary is closed." He then hung up the phone.
I wish I had known this 70 years ago. I would be in Italy making spaghetti westerns with Clint Eastwood, (15 cousin) and raking in royalties from the record I cut with George Jones, Buddy Holy,, Riche Valens, Carlos Santana, Ricky Martin, Kenny Rogers and Patsy Cline (cousins). And, I would be collecting 10% of all box office receipts and DVR sales of the movies I made with Robert De Niro, George Clooney, Willie Nelson, Reece Witherspoon, Marlyn Monroe, Cher and Linda Ronstadt, to name a few.
I could have been rubbing shoulders with my cousin Queen Elizabeth II at her recent gala.
As it is, people think I am crazy and or lying when I relate the lineage that geni tells me I have.
I did find out that I am actually related to Andrew Jackson as my poor mother who finally went to her reward at 95 used to lament to us children. Any way, Greetings Cousins. I hope that all of you have good lives, eat well, and have a decent roof over your heads with a heater to keep you warm in the winter and an air-conditioner to keep you cool in the summer and god health.
Love to all of you! With Sentiments of Highest Esteem, I remain your Humble Cousin, Bernie Brooks Johnson, Junior. john9664@bellsouth.net 704 535 8782 704 293 8403
Hi cousins Tuula Hannelle and Kristina Axelsson! Are y'all Norwegian or Swedish??
The King of Norway, way back, is one of our Grandfathers. I think we have some Swedish Kin as well.
King Andras Arpad Hazi III and Jolánta Yolande de Courtnay, Queen of Hungary are my 22nd great grandfather and Grandmother. They are buried in Igris, Romania It used to be Egres, Hungary.
Jolánta Yolande de Courtnay, Queen of Hungary, was among King Andrew, (Andras) II several wives. One of His wives was murdered.
They, King Andrew II and Jolanta Yolande have been dug up by University sponsored grave robbers. I read about it in a Hungarian or Romanian news letter. I guess I should contact the University and make sure they put our ancestors bones back where they belong.
Best to you all. I hope that You are well.