Define related to royalty.

Started by Terence John Neubert-Woodhead, f3g1 on Sunday, September 4, 2022
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I was reading an interesting article the other day about how we are all related to royalty in some way. These celebs who were so proud they were related to the queen. Further than what I am even.

Like the Queen Elizabeth II is my 11th cousin once removed through Sir William Mallory, Kt., of Hutton Park and Studley, Yorks.

Clearly everyone is related to Charlemagne around 40 generations back.

What I want to know is with this group what are we considering related to royalty? A male line directly to a king? A great grandparent in 10 or 20 or 30 generations who was a king?

I have the following 22nd great grandparents which is alot closer than charlemagne: William the Lion, King of Scots, John 1, Lackland, King of England, his father Henry II, his father Geoffrey V, count of Anjou, and Empress Mathilda, Hugh III, Duke of Burgundy, dozens to hundreds of earls, counts, knights, marques etc up to 7 generations back.

But I am not royal. So how exactly are we defining related to royalty on this group? Take care, Bye

You just have to have a common ancestor to be blood related to someone.
To be a part of a royal family, you have to be within that family, a pretender,
a claimant to the throne, often on the direct male line from a king.
As an example, our Swedish king Carl Gustaf stands in the place of 292 to be the king of
United Kingdom (UK).

And it gets so mixed up because these royals intermix. Like i have english ancestors intermarrying with Rurikids. Wasnt the last Tsars wife an english princess? I think there must be closer common ancestors than charlemagne if I can get royalty in 10 to 12 generations from opposite sides of europe.

Most people of British Isles ancestry are also related to Edward I-II-III (especially III), the first and third of whom were remarkably prolific (Edward II not so much, but if you've got his father or son you've got him too).

While Nicholas II's wife Alexandra was indeed a granddaughter of Queen Victoria (Old Vicky made matches for her descendants all across Europe - and incidentally spread the family curse of hemophilia as well), he was not a Rurikid - he was a Romanov. The Rurikid line died out circa Ivan IV ("the "Terrible"), and there was a lot of dynastic infighting before Michael Romanov, who was distantly related to the Rurikids, finally got to keep the throne. (Said infighting forms the basic plot of the opera "Boris Godunov", if anyone is interested.)

Nicholas II himself was a first cousin to England's George V (and looked a lot like him).

Edward I "Longshanks", King of England is my 18th great grandfather.

Edward I "the Elder", king of The Anglo-Saxons is my 29th great grandfather.

Edward II, king of England is my 17th great grandfather.

Edward III, king of England is my 16th great grandfather.

Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia is my 14th cousin once removed.

Ivan the Terrible is my 8th cousin 13 times removed.

Рюрик, князь Новгородский is my 30th great grandfather. (Rurik circa 830 - 879)

Sir William Mallory, Kt., of Hutton Park and Studley, Yorks. is my 10th cousin 10 times removed.

Carlos Magno is my 31st great grandfather.

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