I was reading an interesting article the other day about how we are all related to royalty in some way. These celebs who were so proud they were related to the queen. Further than what I am even.
Like the Queen Elizabeth II is my 11th cousin once removed through Sir William Mallory, Kt., of Hutton Park and Studley, Yorks.
Clearly everyone is related to Charlemagne around 40 generations back.
What I want to know is with this group what are we considering related to royalty? A male line directly to a king? A great grandparent in 10 or 20 or 30 generations who was a king?
I have the following 22nd great grandparents which is alot closer than charlemagne: William the Lion, King of Scots, John 1, Lackland, King of England, his father Henry II, his father Geoffrey V, count of Anjou, and Empress Mathilda, Hugh III, Duke of Burgundy, dozens to hundreds of earls, counts, knights, marques etc up to 7 generations back.
But I am not royal. So how exactly are we defining related to royalty on this group? Take care, Bye