Yes, I saw that about the sun Reccared II, but his Wikipedia page doesn't mention his mother. I had the same thought as you about that but then I wasn't sure if Recaredo and Reccared are actually the same name or just similar names, wondering why it wasn't just Recaredo II if named after a grandfather of that name. I realize that's not a huge difference and many names have various spellings, but it just caught my attention and since his mother is not named and her mother is questionable, I just decided to ask about all of it.
Regarding Floresinda, her name had to have come from somewhere as the mother of the nameless daughter but no notes are in their profiles regarding her and she's not mentioned elsewhere that I could find. She's not listed as a wife or mistress of Recaredo I on his Wikipedia page.
When the profiles were first connected, it like info about the connections would have been put into the profiles, but so often on Geni that just doesn't happen. Then folks like me come along years later wanting to make sure the connections are valid before adding them into our trees. I do my best to find the asnswers on my own. That's why I was Googling trying to find more info before posting with questions, but I didn't find the answers.