Curators ? EMPERORS or assistants ?

Started by J P Weyers on Sunday, October 2, 2022
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What exactly are the role of volunteer curators on Geni.
Too many appear to have carved out little empires for themselves where they are absolute rulers.
Not following any valid sources but their personal choice .
Refusing to correct or change wrong information even when confronted with a valid source proving information of Curator not correct.

Phillip, it depends whether you're assuming we're human volunteers with lives, or slaves.Your marriage date change is on the profile, as you have given it, so, I'm assuming you're talking about the CN. Have you contacted that Curator and asked him to change it there too? I'm not seeing any Discussions created by you about this, except this one - and this one didn't even put a link in. Does the Curator even know? This is a pretty lousy Emperor job - unpaid and seldom thanked, and now you're needing us to be psychic too. Come on, man :-/

Hallo daar
Ons moet maar net oppas vir kwetsende woorde - ek wil egter die volgende sê: ek vra soms vrae aan die 'bestuurders' van 'n persoon oor wie ek iets wil weet, en dan is daar kurators daarby, maar ek kry nooit enige antwoord terug nie. Toe ek nog 'n boodskap stuur met die vraag "is daar lewe aan die anderkant van my boodskap" (na maande), het twee geantwoord dat hulle my nie kan help nie - so, 'n 'nee' is ook 'n antwoord - dankie daarvoor. Maar ek sukkel om mense te kry om terug te antwoord. Miskien is my rang te laag.

Etienne van Loggerenberg

I would like to point out that whilst the SAF/SAG publications are not considered to be PRIMARY sources - they are THE source of information for many of the profiles added to GENI. Subsequent sources should be added to support the information - obviously I am as guilty as many others of adding trees based on the information in those publications without adding independent sources. I have tried adding supporting references over the years - especially where there have been queries - but many profiles haven't been refined or validated. ~ should they be removed? This has to be an ongoing exercise for all people working on those trees

Should we tone it down here for a bit and talk later about the use of words like emperors and slaves, because we are, after all friends, and you are also aware that I agree with your stance on validation.

A lot will depend upon whether the Curator was in a place to read your message properly, and whether life overwhelmed them and they forgot to change the CN, or didn't realise it was in the CN as well. If the Curator knew this, and you reminded them in a week or so, then there may be a problem that you are being deliberatelyblocked: but it's far more likely it was an accident.

On locking without validation - I completely agree - but the history of Geni dates to before 2008, when there were few Curator tools at all, and sometimes locking was the only way to protect from bad merges. A lot has changed since then, but the oldest profiles on Geni - often put here by people like Judi and Daan from their own personal trees, don't automatically get revisited and have the outdated locks removed unless they are pointed out; and were never intended to stop updates, but rather sloppy mismerges.

In the meantime, I'm trying to look at Hilletjie now.

You're an extremely active and valued volunteer on Geni. You already know that I think it. You also know that I'm fond of you - so you know I'm not being snide. I would just like to avoid you and I having an argument.

No, we are not a sub-group of the GSSA; and Geni solved the DVN debate by adding an extra info field. So - yes - they should be put there.

And thanks for your insight, Etienne. Well taken.

This is the reason many people choose to make their trees private on MyHeritage

'n Paar "leerlinge" sit met groot oë en ore en luister na die ringkoppe. Hulle ore suis van goeters waarvan hulle nog nie gehoor het: "CN", DVN ens.

Maybe time I also move to Legacy like so many others on Geni

conflict is never going. Please end the back and forth,. Geni has been a tremendous source for. me and I appreciate the work the volunteers do. I have trouble when people change info without proper sourcing. In my case our family never knew that two of the children listed as my ggggranfathers children were not his biological children. This is no fault of the curators as the birth certificates were faulty. my greg aunt had listed her dead father as the father of her twins and my ggggrandmother had two children years after the death
of my ggggrandfather, yet she put him as the father on their birth certificates, Quite a mess to sort out, many family members still enter it wrong in their trees, not the fault of the curators. Let’s end this, it’s not productive.

Theory of relativity.
No conflict if everyone just agrees with ---- ?

I agree with a lot of what you are saying, the delivery is a little harsh in my view. Geni is not the only site that does not want to alter or correct entries. An explanation of why would be helpful,
Geni is used by people around the world, I have asked that the Afrikaans submittals be translated for those of us who do not speak afrikaans, a little hard to participate in discussions otherwise. If Geni wants to be used internationally they need to use one common language. My request fell on deaf ears and I never got a response as to why this could not be done.

Die blok van profiele is selfverdediging."Ek het al verskeie male keelskoongemaak oor die onbeheerde en onnaspeurbare toevoegings.-Dia beide sistemies en onkunde..Om n "lewendige "Match" regtestel is amper onmoontlik-ek het n paar wat al 2jaar lank onopgelos is!Ek is n voorstander van Sharon se "tirannie".Ek het met kurators en "managers ooreengekom dat die profiele geblok bly tot die situasie nonder beheer is.En dan kan al die toevoegings bekyk word.Die "source" info van my heritage is meestal gekopieerde bydraes wast die "shovel in en load out "sterk ondersteun. NOU kom ons by die doring in die vlees.Op die gratis werwe Gissa en Family search {Lds} het n nuwe-digitale verskynsel-homself voorgedoen.Helpers en vrywilligers het n eie agenda en maak nil naam agter die verandering.Die meerk kom ons kyk of die gesprekke n beter oplossing bring.n naam voorkom hoe meer "geloofwaardig"is die bron.REGSTELLING IS DUS NIE MOONTLIK NIE.dIE WERWE HET ALBEI DIE BEGINSEL VAN NET EEN PROFIEL.Na die lang relaas hoe verhoed ons die "Fake"om in te dring--ons BLOK.Alle blokkers het my ondersteuning,maak dit erg moeilik vir kwassie gegewens om projekte binne te dring,maar

Erens het die curser gespring -as my relaas onverstaanbaar is sal ek met graagte bydra.As dit nie oneties was nie sou ek die gene op hul name noem

Someone. please translate to english.

Basically, it is impossible to fix information that has previously been incorrectly of half captured . Not just still living. This makes it impossible to match or search your correct family members. I have tried messaging many times. Even getting an answer, but info is still incorrect. Name's and birthdays . I don't even think this is unwillingness, i just think it is impossible.

fOne wrong entry and your whole genome is wrong.
Someone has added the wrong man as my mothers father.
I have gone to my Heritage to correct this error. Geni
should not allow people to make unsourced changes
to trees that are not theirs.

Shirley the problem is:Geni has only one profile for a person--thus you have no tree! you share it with every one !!!!Thats why the source of the problem is Geni admin rulesor guidelines .In my view as previosly stated in Afrikaans Do as Sharon does - I agreed with Managers and Curators -Temporary lock the tree and as soon as you have completed -Gedcom and the let the mayham continue


If anyone needs assistance to fix errors please DM me, I will happily assist where I can.

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