Adam Yager - Adam Yager birthdate

Начала Carolyn Uchtman Blatter сегодня
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Сегодня в 8:49 до полудня

The Germanna Record-The Yager Family: The First Five Generations
Has Adam Yager born 30 September 1708 Falkenstein. Pfalz (Germany

Сегодня в 9:05 до полудня

And DAR has 9-29-1707

Сегодня в 9:13 до полудня

Erica Howton please correct the date to reflect the Germanna date as the DAR date creates an inconsistency:

Consistency Check: Birth date of Maria Barbara Yager (Jäger) and her brother Adam Yager are within 8 months.

Carolyn Uchtman Blatter thank you for bringing attention to the profile

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