THIS one goes OUT to; "Alex Moses"
I found, an "Error" on a PROFILE of the "Bruce Monarchy" that I POLITELY brought to "Everyones Attention",
I don’t Appreciate the "Personal Attacks , FROM YOU!
The person who maintains the profile in question refuses to dialog with me, but HIS "Incorrect Info" efects EVERYONE to "Some Extent" when it is ALL "Said & Done" EVEN YOU "Alex"!
Robert the 1st, just HAPPENS to be MY DIRECT 23RD GREAT GRANDFATHER, and "Marjorie" just HAPPENS to be MY 22nd GREAT GRANDMOTHER not "Twice Removed" FROM ANYTHING!
Those are MY "Direct Relatives", and if YOU are UNWILLING to HELP with maintaining the INTEGRITY of the FACTS. then just maybe YOU should NOT BE PARTICIPATING on the "Family Trees" when the ACCURACY of "Said Trees" effects EVERYONE!
And in Closing, to "Alex Moses", i say;
"as SOME say in AMERICA,
Don't SERVE the sausage, if you CAN'T TAKE the sausage!"