
Started by Private User on Tuesday, March 7, 2023
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Please explain to how part of a person's tree,VA well research on ,can disappear. I was gone for awhile . I finally get back in and some, God only knows who, while I was gone remove a total line connected to William the conq. Mind you I got all MYB info from several geneology resource ,well known ones including Plantaqunet Ancestry, magna Carta , and New England Historical Sec reference center. Explain how this happened. Now I have to put it all back in. I would not have found this out except I was trying to chart all my direct lines to him. Curators in charge please contact me.

Welcome back, Judy.
Can you click Actions, choose Ancestor Report, and increasing the number of Generations, discover where it stops that it should not stop?

If so, go to that profile and look at Revisions Tab, to see who disconnected that profile from one or more of its parents.

I can try. Not the most technically inclined person
But at least I see better.

It is not telling me anything.

I went through it several times nothing. I will just have to take the time to re enter everything

But thanks for responding

Are you just re-entering documents, or also creating profiles?

William the Conwueror = William "the Conqueror", king of England
I see you are one of his managers
And I see Geni says Judith (Judy) A. Loubris is William "the Conqueror", king of England's 24th great granddaughter.
So you are currently directly connected to him.
Is that because you already recreated the missing connection(s) or ??

It's the Revisions tab you can look under to see what edits have been made to a profile.

Private User Willem was born 1000 years ago, where between you and he was the cut made?

The likeliest answer is that the link between colonial USA and England was wishful thinking and was cut due to lack of evidence. The curators working that portion of the tree are constantly merging duplicates and cutting bad/unsupported/wrong connections in a constant chore of tidying and correcting user data.

I don't know the websites (?) you mention but Geni curators try to maintain an evidence based tree using actual sources not just copying websites.

Well considering Plantaqunet Ancestry had the connection and mi

New England historical soc
Was the one that originally clued me on and there reference dept helped me further, and there were several other accredited references I would say I was connect by that route. I will put it back in
It was the William Longspree connection and it was my further connection and has been in here years
I want it back. Now

Was it thru the same great grandparent of yours as the current link?
If not, can you give a link to the great grandparent of yours that the missing link should go thru?

Private User you most likely connect to him via several routes - Geni just outlines the shortest.

Try walking the line you think should connect you.

Ie - go to your profile, click on your parent, then grandparent and keep going until you either connect to him OR you find the profile that you think the relationships are incorrect (then post that profile here with who you think their parents should be and why)

I know where it was disconnected. I just will re add it.

I have never been able to post profiles. Try as I may I can not do it.

I am so glad I have it written down on paper, in note books and chatted out along with documentation. Including about 90 pages of Plantaqunet Ancestry that one of the authors sent me years ago.

I am so glad I have it written down on paper, in note books and chatted out along with documentation. Including about 90 pages of Plantaqunet Ancestry that one of the authors sent me years ago.

I am so glad I have it written down on paper, in note books and chatted out along with documentation. Including about 90 pages of Plantaqunet Ancestry that one of the authors sent me years ago.

Great grand parents. Are you crazy. The disconnection was way back further then that
About ninth or tenth great grand parents I. England .

Private User please don't recreate it. It just causes a lot of unnecessary work both on your behalf and on other users and curators.

Find where Geni does not match to what you think it should and have a discussion about why you think it is incorrect. If the connection is sourced it can be locked so that it does not get disconnected.

Really so I can not have my tree . Thanks Al it. I can't find where it was disconnected. I don't see have a computer anymore
Just the. Phone. Very hard to do on the phone. Did what you said and it didn't telle anything.

Just to let you know. Just went back to recheck to see if I could figure out what was goi.g on. It appears to be back to normal. So who ever fixed it, THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Now I will go back to charting all my connected lines to William the conqueror via Henry the first and second. This will keep me busy for awhile since I like doing this and seeing how they all interyween down

Well bounced me out intertwined and connected with both mother's sides and one of father's sides. We are more connect then we realize. Thanks again whoever you Are. Judy

Just to let you know. Just went back to recheck to see if I could figure out what was goi.g on. It appears to be back to normal. So who ever fixed it, THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Now I will go back to charting all my connected lines to William the conqueror via Henry the first and second. This will keep me busy for awhile since I like doing this and seeing how they all interyween down

I see that you are now his 24th g-granddaughter, Judith.

I am that many times g granddaughter several way but it was one particular way that was missing. The one I put in

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