Eric and Daniel, someone's been going through the lines removing any connections that don't have enough support, enough proof, by their estimation. That doesn't mean the original connection is void, just that it's hearsay without some sort of written documentation like a will, a marriage license, or a birth or death certificate.
I think Geni should have a different color for such connections--green instead of blue, for instance, showing that a relationship of blood has been claimed but there isn't any documented proof.
This has been happening way too often in my opinion! I understand if some lines aren't substantiated but some of these Geni volunteers need to be reigned in and there needs to be better communication and discussion before changing things to fit your own personal narrative! Tree cutters is exactly what 80% of this nonsense is!!!
Hi, jason scott your are my 20th cousin 7 times remomoved if geni is right.. Are you sure about that what your wrote or is just that your believe? I can found my 160th great grandfather in geni, and he is born 2000 bce. I have lots of kings and queen in my ancestors in different countries. But if you are right so my tree is most likely wrong like you said