Consistency Check:The age of John H Hubbard exceeds 105 years.Sebielia “Sibby” Odom (unknown) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Dempsey Odom.Sebielia “Sibby” Odom (unknown) is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Malachi Odom.Sebielia “Sibby” Odom (unknown) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Elizabeth Sibbel Grosse Odom.Sebielia “Sibby” Odom (unknown) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Martha Odom.Abraham Odom, Jr. is under 12 years old for the birth of his child Dempsey Odom.Abraham Odom, Jr. is under 12 years old for the birth of his child Elizabeth Sibbel Grosse Odom.Abraham Odom, Jr. is under 12 years old for the birth of his child Martha Odom.Mary Ann Hubbard (Odom) is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Joseph Hubbard.John Carraway Hubbard, Sr. is under 12 years old for the birth of his child Joseph Hubbard.Susanna Hubbard born after the death of her father John Carraway Hubbard, Sr..
I think the so called marriage of Mary Odom to John Carraway Hubbard is a mistake on https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Odom-44 and may originate in a misreading of notes at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hubbard-380
John Carraway Hubbard I, died young and his children were taken in by other people, by court ruling. John C, II went with his Uncle Peter and at the age 14, John C. was made legal ward of Peter.
1791- On page 59, Marlboro County Court Minutes,Sept. term, 1791,it says that at John Hubbard's death, the children were to be bound by the court as follows: Agnes and John Carraway (Junior?) bound to Peter Hubbard (born 1755-uncle to children), William bound to John Little, Peter placed with Anne Baker.
Peter and his family are well recorded in IL.
Found Peter, John Jr., Jacob, and Patrick are brothers.
So the family of John Carroway Hubbard, Sr. And his wife Sarah Bridges were:
Child: Agnes Hubbard
Child: John Carraway Hubbard
Child: William Hubbard
Child: Peter Hubbard
Mary & Peter Hubbard’s children are described on the Bible record, added to their profiles:
In order to clean up around this Hubbard / Chiles, so far I see:
Peter Hubbard I and Agnes (Chiles) Hubbard had five children of whom we have documented record, born in Caroline County:
Peter Hubbard died while his children were still minors. Upon the death of Agnes Chiles Hubbard, the remaining minor children were ordered by the court to be placed under the care of John Chiles, probably Agnes’ brother. This is documented in the court records of Anson County, NC from 16 January, 1773 as follows: "Ord. Peter Hubbard, John Hubbard, and Manoah, orphans of Peter Hubbard, dcd. be bound to John Chiles till of lawful age to learn the trade of car-penter, joiner, or blacksmith. Peter now 17; John 10, Manoah now 7 years old."