Cornelius Gillett (Gillet) - Birth date in America for Cornelius is suspect - it predates date of likely date of arrival of mother from England

Started by Private User on Monday, June 26, 2023
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The birthdate of Cornelius Gillett, Sr. in America listed as January 10, 1634, is suspect as it predates the likely arrival of Cornelius' mother Mary Gillett from England - sometime in mid-1634, following her marriage to his father Jonathan Gillett, Sr. in March 1634. As far as records go - Mary was not in America prior to that point - only the Johnathan Sr.

FYI - This is my first comment on this site, so please forgive me if I am not following protocol. I am related to a younger brother of Cornelius.

Hi Private User

You did great, and thank you. I’ve removed a birth date. Do you have a proposed alternate? We can do “after”, “before,” “between”, (c), or leave blank.

I have a date of July 1636, Dorchester, Suffolk, MA - the source is "The Brothers Jonathan and Nathan Gillett and Some of Their Descendants", Compiled by Alice Lucinda Priest, B.L. of Brookline, Mass., link:

Lynda Lou Cook - perfect. And done.

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