Hi Sharon
I initially received one message from the anonymous "P" which had a garbled and erroneous set of remarks concerning DNA using questionable language, to which I commented critically. I also affirmed that Johanna Tol (Tolle.... mother Adriana) is a totally different person to Catharina Mauritz van der Kaap /van Cabo). I did this long before the anonymous "P" got involved with this subject. I had not seen any other of the research claimed to be done by the anonymous "P" - research done long ago by others as we all know.
Subsequently "P" has gone on a tirade of abuse flooding me with 34 emails. This should not be allowed on GENI as it is an abuse.
Delia Robertson as I long pointed out has comprehensively summarized what a range of documentation has produced on the subject using accepted academic research referencing. What is great about Delia's approach on First Fifty Years is that she tracks the range of different projections/names of the subject, erroneous and correct, as it tracks enquiry, and does not censor out documentation that we may disagree with. This gives us a global picture and from this the following arises:
The confusion is cleared up around who Johanna Tol (Tolle) daughter of Adriana was and that this person has nothing to do with our subject. Delia covers Johanna Tol (Tolle) in her surname index of "First Fifty Years". Delia also shows how the name Johanna Catharina emerged and separates out the nickname Caatje and that her identification as "Hottentotin" becomes affixed to her name Catharina Mauritz van der Kaap/ van Cabo.
For a number of decades we have all been aware of the baptism certificates of the adult baptisms too. Delia summarizes these well using accepted academic protocols of research. There has never been confusion. The problem arises when someone created a locked embedded record on GENI of Johanna Tol (Tolle) daughter of Adriana Tolle and made her the wife of Hendrik Fortman/Voortman. This then contaminates genealogical records such as mine because it automatically then attaches a host of non-family ancestry to my name and that of my family. It is this that I refer to as genealogical quackery. I also see the unscientific use of terms like Khoisan and Bantu to replace Southern African mtdna and Sub-Saharan mtdna as a form of DNA quackery, regardless from where it emanates. We do need to be careful about use of terms.
I the interest of collegiality I suggest that people should not be anonymous when engaging in debates and siscourse aimed at improving the content. This is just disrespectful.
The name Heinrich Voortman van Hamburg was changed at the Cape where the VOC had a policy of Dutchification of German and French names - hence Hendrik Fortman.
When making a genealogical entry on GENI we should differentiate between nicknames/ethnic labels and use the formal names. In this case noting in brackets or by some other means the nickname and ethnic-lable. Delia Robertson does this well: She uses Catharina Mauritz van der Kaap and Heinrich Voortman.
The name "Mauritz"(Maurits) suggests that Catje may have been born of a relationship between a slave of this name and a Khoe mother. At the time of Catje being in the Roode Zand (Waverin) area the term "Baster-Hottentot" was being used because many of the Cochouqua Khoe women had given birth to children fathered by the enslaved labourers on farms. There is one record of an enslaved man by the name of Jacob Mauritz but no evidence to link this person to Catje. There were two other Maurits men, Europeans, but again no linkages. The naming patterns where Khoe were given European names suggest many reasons - cohabitation one of them. The history of this time cannot be approached in a mechanical manner. All that we do know is that there is an indication in records that the name Mauritz and the vdK identification denoting a slavery link is evident. The marriage data is clear as to the names that should be used.
The names of Johanna Tol (Tolle) and Adriana Tolle should be removed on Geni from any association with Hendrik and Caatje and their children. GENI should use the names recorded when they were married and the variants, nicknames and ethnic-label should be noted as such. This would e the sound manner in which to proceed. The long chain of abusive tirade by the anonymous "P" should not appear in GENI as it does. Nowhere in my own remarks do I make any remark that can be labelled as reverse-racism.
Patric Tariq Mellet