IF one accepts the following copyrighted source's data, William immigrated in 1650.
IF one accepts 1650 as his immigration year, two of three children show birth's where they could not have been born.
Colket, Meredith B., Jr. "Founders of Early American Families: Emigrants from Europe, 1607-1657". Cleveland: General Court of the Order of Founders and Patriots of America, 1975. 366p. Copyrighted bookhttps://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/1445060:7486?ssrc...
Pre-1650 Births:
1. John Gifford b. c.1642 in Sandwich, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America
2. Patience Kirby b. birth in London in 1644. Not sure where London comes from since her mother's name is not known.
3. Annaniah Gifford b. 1646 in Sandwich, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America