There has apparently been a LOT of Genealogical work done on Benjamin Kimsey I and II and there may have been three generations of men named Benjamin.
Appears to be three or perhaps four in the records and researchers have worked to sort what goes to whom.
A link on this profile appears dormant or on hold but offers clues.
This is a DAR line so there’s that info as well.
At least one of the men’s FindaGrave memorial looks good but the next generation is a jumble.
Please see Rev. Benjamin Kimsey, II ‘s bio.Has many notes and conversations on the About regarding who is who and what generation as well as a will.
I did a little editing to close the extra spaces but had to stop working on it as I have family obligations.
I will follow up.
This will likely take some time.
Not a direct line for me.
My dna match is from the Foster marriage of one of the men who also married a Kinsey widow after his first wife passed away and quite a bit of work has been done by several curators and myself so this is in progress.