Hello, her parents according to this ancestry chart in french wiki should be added as William Brown and Anne Hastings: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaston_III_de_Foix-Candale

Hello, her parents according to this ancestry chart in french wiki should be added as William Brown and Anne Hastings: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaston_III_de_Foix-Candale
Anne Hastings origins seem controversial. She’s not listed as daughter of Margaret Hastings & Sir Hugh Hastings, II, Kt. by Douglas Richardson, although there seems a caveat she was definitely a granddaughter of Adam II, 2nd Baron Everingham
So we should check a bit more on her parents, but that Anne Hastings married William Brown and was the mother of Margaret Brown who married Sir Leonard Kerdeston seems solidly sourced.
See https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p711.htm#...
Did you want to add the parent profiles?
OK, but do not add the parents to parents. It’s too speculative.
My favorite site for nobility is genealogics.org, and Leo van de Pas has:
may be g.dau of Sir Hugh Hastings & Margaret de Everingham
I’m guessing Douglas Richardson has worked on this line and there’s uncertainty. I’ll look at soc.Gen.,medieval
Basic members can edit, it could be because you are not yet connected to the world tree. I just sent you a collaboration request; I manage a fair amount of medieval profiles. Give it a try after you accept collaborator and see if that helps. If not, I’ll enter and add you as a manager.
I’m reading a de Kerdeston article.
Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage: Volume 7: Kerdeston (PROPOSED CORRECTIONS)
Thank you very much!
I think it is very important to add her parents and all ancestors of Kerdeston, Brown and Hastings lines because she and her son Thomas Kerdeston are ancestors of many european monarchs: of England and Britain starting from Charles II and James II Stuart, of France starting from Louis XIII de Bourbon father of Louis XIV, of Spain starting from Philip III Habsburg, of Holy Roman empire starting from Maximillian II Habsburg and Louis of Hungary who was killed in a battle of Mohacs in 1526 against Suleiman the Magnificent, there was a big mistake for a long time that her granddaughter Margaret Kerdeston, daughter of her son Thomas Kerdeston was married to a french nobleman Gaston de Foix, but she wasn't added as mother of his son and heir also Gaston, her mother was depicted as her unexisted cousin daughter of John de la Pole, so they weren't depicted as descendants of Thomas Kerdesron and his mother Margaret Brown. Only at today night it was corrected, that profiles were merged by a manager
Erica Howton And can you also correct first birth surname of her granddaughter Margaret Kerdeston after merging change it from de la Pole to Kerdeton?
Margaret Kerdeston, Countess of Kendal and of Benauges, Viscountess of Castillon and of Meilles
I also found distant relatives of her granddaughters french branch of Mortimer family called instead by Mortemer in work of historian Ian Mortimer, must of these profiles were allready existed in geni.com for a long time and I decided to connect them to main Mortimer family by adding one more family, whuch I could do by myself because manager of profilles added me to his family group: Sir Geoffrey Mortimer, seigneur of Couhé
Unknown author, Stemmata Robertson & Durdin (1893) p. 344. < Archive.Org > “Anne Hastings, mar. William, 2nd son of Sir Anthony Brown, Viscount Montacute, whose descendants ultimately got Elsing.”
Gough's ' Sepulchral Monuments,' ii., p. 309 ; i., p. 98, Hastings of Elsing.
Banks's ' Dormant and Extinct Peerage,' Hastings of Gressenhale and Elsing, i., p. 337.
Burke's ' Peerage,' Earl of Huntingdon.
Eyton's ' Shropshire, v., p. 135
Collins's ' Peerage,' vi., p. 643, Hastings, Lord Huntingdon.
Blomfield's ' Norfolk,' iv., p. 373, under Elsing. Daniel Rowland's ' Nevill Family,' p. 110 et seq. Dugdale's ' Warwickshire,' p. 1024. Nichols's ' Leicestershire,' iv., p. 447 ; iii.,
p. 607. Bridge's ' Northamptonshire,' i., p. 396. Harleian Society, xvi., ' Visitation of Yorkshire,' p. 154.
No. Which Anthony Brown? The one (KB) did not have a son William according to Visitations. The one (son of Viscount Montagu) is much later. So, we do not have a good reference for the existence of William Brown, much less his parentage.
Richardson, Douglas. Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, 2nd Edition (2011) Page 370. < GoogleBooks > "Margaret, grand daughter of Hugh de Hastings, Knt."
Perhaps her surname wasn't Hastings?
The line for that is described in Paget, Gerald, The Lineage and Ancestry of H.R.H. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Edinburgh, 1977. Q 4478
See https://www.genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00092135&tree=LEO
Needs more research to connect more precisely than we have now. I added the Douglas Richardson page as a source document:
He does not even give Margaret a surname, which implies he did not rule out she was a daughter of a daughter of Hugh Hastings.
And as I said, the William Brown (2nd son of Anthony Brown) citation is cracked, or I don't understand it correctly. So will try to chase those citations.
Erica Howton please correct also surname in this profile to Lezay-Lusignan, wife of distant relative of her granddauhter according to this work of Ian Mortimer https://www.mortimer.co.uk/family/outlinelineage.pdf
Mortimer doesn't give her parentage but Cawley does:
SIMON [IV] de Lezay, son of [SIMON [III] Seigneur de Lezay & his wife --- de Vivonne] (-1331 or after). ... Père Anselme states that the testament of "Simon de Lezay" is dated "le samedy après la Purification" in 1331 but cites no source[266].
m firstly ANNE d’Archiac, daughter of AYMAR Seigneur d’Archiac & his wife Marguerite de Rochechouart (-before 1316).
m secondly (contract Dec 1316) JEANNE de Cherchemont, daughter of ---.
Simon [IV] & his second wife had [seven] children:
8. [JEANNE de Lezay . Watson names "Jane de Lezay" as wife of Geoffrey without citing the corresponding primary source on which the information is based, although suggesting that she was the daughter of Simon [IV] Seigneur de Lezay by his second wife, highlighting that her son Jean de Mortemer was recorded in 1379 as guardian of Simon de Lezay, great-grandson of Simon [IV][271]. This last piece of information is found in Père Anselme, who cites no source either (see above)[272]. m GEOFFREY Mortimer, son of ROGER [V] de Mortimer Earl of March & his wife Joan de Geneville (-[1372/5 May 1376]).]
Added her to her parents, Simon V, seigneur de Lezay & Jeanne de Cherchemont
Watson (1902) is the source at FMG. Hard to read, he names her Jeanne Lezay.