What do you mean? Is he also a direct ancestor of yours, then?
Like this:
Otto I, Holy Roman emperor is your 32nd great grandfather.
If so, the problem lies in prioritizing; the lazy or incompetent Geni programmers are unwilling to either understand the problem or they just don't care. I've tried to make a ticket or two on the issue with zero results.
It's the question of the length of the path: if your direct ancestry lies further down the road, Geni just ignores it and gives the uncle-auntie-whatever connection instead.
Now, they should simply prioritize the search: first direct ancestry, then indirect. Simple as that. They do not comply to even understand the problem.
For exaample, Saint Olaf II, King of Norway...
Seems to be my 30th great grandfather since two of his son is my 29 GGF:
Magnus I Olavsson «the Good» den Gode is your 29th great grandfather.
Princess of Norway Ulvhild Olavsdatter, Duchesse of Saxony
– daughter 30th
Princess of Norway Ulvhild Olavsdatter, Duchesse of Saxony is your 30th great grandmother.
Princess of Norway Ulvhild Olavsdatter, Duchesse of Saxony
Yet, these GENIuses show just the shortest path:
Saint Olaf II, King of Norway is your 28th great uncle.
Ooops, Magnus Olavsson here:
"Magnus I Olavsson «the Good» den Gode is your 29th great grandfather."
Magnus I Olavsson «the Good» den Gode
His half sister:
Princess of Norway Ulvhild Olavsdatter, Duchesse of Saxony
Partner of Saint Olaf II, King of Norway
"Alvhild 'Elfhildis' is your 30th great grandmother."