הגאון האדיר רבי מנחם מנדל מרגליות-שטנגן,זצ"ל,גאב"ד פינטשוב ופרעמישלא - Many mistakes in his children

Started by Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski on yesterday
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I am his descendant from his second wife:

2nd wife, Menachem Mendel Margolios-Stengen

According to all rabbinic literature, he had 7 daughters from her...in the book

"שלשלת היוחסין:

All the dauthers are mentioned, and the names of their husbands are also written there... However, her profile has many names written, some are duplicates and some are incorrect names (they are not her dauthers at all).

For example:

Goldle Margolioth


Mrs. Arye Lieb Auerbach Margolioth


 wife, Moshe HaCohen Katz

They are all wrong profiles...what can be done in such a situation?

Unfortunately this area of the tree has been cleaned up dozens of times but then gets cluttered by lack of care during merges. If you can identify specifically what needs fixing some of us curators can fix it again.


Seth Morgulas (Geni Curator)

If the book

"שלשלת היוחסין"

If that's acceptable to you, then I can, but I'll have to delete profiles, especially the ones I mentioned above.

Seth Morgulas (Geni Curator)

I can also upload the information written in the book so that it is accessible to everyone, I just don't know how to upload a jpg file here.

I uploaded the information from the book in the profile picture of:

2nd wife, Menachem Mendel Margolios-Stengen

Here are the daughters shown on the file from the book and their corresponding profiles on current GENI (BTW I checked these in Otser HaRabanim and they are all there): a) Eidel mt Yitzach Katz ABD Stopin: Edel Eidel Katz Hacohen b) Frayndl mt Yehuda b Avraham: Daughter #2 Freidel Fruck c) NN mt Moshe b Meir Zak: Daughter #3 MiBrezin d) NN mt Avraham b Mordechai of Raisha: Daughter #4 Margolios-Stengen e) NN mt Avraham Przymysl: Daughter #6 . f) NN mt Moshe b Tsvi Hersh ABD Kortchin: Daughter #5 Margolios-Stengen g) NN mt Yosef b Avraham Segal of Tysmanits: possibly Daughter #7 Margolios-Stengen who is not given a spouse.

The following daughters are not mentioned in either source and from either wife: a) Goldie (no spouse): Goldle Margolioth b) Mrs. Aryeh Leyb Auerbach: Mrs. Arye Lieb Auerbach Margolioth , c) Mrs. Mordechai Auerbach: wife, Mordichai Auerbach, a.b.d. Bomberg d) wife Moshe HaCohen Katz:  wife, Moshe HaCohen Katz AFAIK they can be disconnected from R' Menachem Mendel Margolioth, ABD Przemyśl and Pińczów and either wife.

Meanwhile, the seven sons of R' Menachem Mendel Margolioth, ABD Przemyśl and Pińczów currently showing on GENI are listed in Otser HaRabanim, and there is one more listed in Otser # 11996, who is not on GENI: Ysroel, who according to the Margolis tree Jewish Encyclopedia Margolioth Tree (http://d2b4hhdj1xs9hu.cloudfront.net/KK8K327R.jpg) is the son-in-law of Avraham Segal of Tysmanits, the same Avraham who is the father-in-law of one of the daughters with wife #2 (see above).

Private User

Thank you very much Adam
My information is identical to the information you uploaded... the question is what to do with all the incorrect profiles, as a Geni user I do not usually cut profiles that others have uploaded

Regarding the sons of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Margaliot-Stangen (from his first wife), although the information I have shows that he had 8 sons from her

Seth - why don't you, a curator and a descendent of the Margaliyot/Margules/Margulas family take upon yourself to clean up this mess, and lock the relevant profiles?

Haim Wartski - a direct descendent - could fix the relevant "true" profiles for you Seth to curate them

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