Thomas Compton, through his documented biological male Compton descendants, has been determined to be the son of James Compton, Revolutionary War Patriot and his wife Frances Herndon Compton. They were in Orange Co., NC, and later, their son Thomas Compton migrated to Russell Co., VA, where he had a family, and one son of Thomas Compton's named Leander Compton migrated to Pike Co., Kentucky. A Family Tree DNA Compton Y-DNA Surname Project has helped differentiate between these Compton lines. I am requesting that the profile manager remove Thomas Compton as a son of John Compton and Eleanor McGuire, as John Compton (1760-1828) left a will that was probated in Tazewell, VA, and he named each of his children, including my ancestor Hiram Compton (1800 VA - 1874 KY). There was no Thomas Compton mentioned in John Compton's will. It can be searched for on a popular search engine, and found as a source on Family Search dot org! I am the profile manager for my male first cousin Compton that participated in the FTDNA Compton Surname Project who had the haplogroup of I-M253, and I manage the profile of a male Compton out of Pike Co., Kentucky in the FTDNA Compton Surname Project that had a different haplogroup, that was a match to Thomas Compton's descendants and other descendants of James Compton, Rev War Patriot and his wife Frances Herndon Compton. Two different lines of Comptons.