I believe this man in my grandfather, though he was not known as this to us. We knew him as Leslie William Wilson, and he was our grandmothers second husband.
I have undertaken a lot of research and analysed many DNA records for my mother and myself. I have come to a working hypothesis that Leslie Frank Middleton Moller is my grandfather. A great deal of my mothers and my DNA liked directly to John Grave Moller and Elisabeth Ellen Middleton.
Similarities in what I have heard about my grandfather can be found with what I have learnt about Leslie. My grandfather changed his identity taking on the name Leslie William Wilson - which was my grandmothers first husbands name (I have verified they are different people). It has always been a well-known fact in the family that my grandfather left two sons behind in NSW. There are other coincidences as well.
I have ordered the Leslie's divorce papers to see if that helps piece together. I also cannot find a death record for Leslie, which there wouldn't be if he is my grandfather and buried in Brisbane Queensland. Additionally, he seems to have gone to ground after charges and jail time for child desertion etc 1927-1929). The timeframe fits when my grandmother and grandfather left NSW, and it is possible that the name change undertaken by Leslie was to avoid being found for ongoing charges around child desertion and not paying maintenance.
A lot of conjecture but there are too many coincidences to ignore. If you have any information that you would be willing to share that would be good.
I would be happy to hear from anyone about this man