List of family names

Started by Anne Middleton Moore on today
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I just received an email from Geni showing me that by some obscure round about way I was related to someone sort of interesting. But in the list of family names, this person is not included, nor are their progeny. Why would that be? Either I am related or I am not, right??? Can’t have it both ways Geni. Which is it, and why are you not consistent??

Anne Middleton Moore -- I'd like to help you figure out this, but it's really hard to do it if I don't know the path in question. Can you give me a link to the person who is sort of interesting? I could then look into it for you. Thanks!

Dame Barbara Goodman
Dame Barbara Goodman DBE QSO JP

And can you help me understand what you mean by "list of family names"? Thanks for your patience with me.

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