Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII

Started by Vance Barrett Mathis on Thursday, April 1, 2010
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I am bothered by the profiles on Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. Some of the managers show Anne Boleyn as the mother of 13 - 15 children. The woman was only 29 to 35 years old when she died. We don't know if she were born in 1501 or 1507. What we do know, is that she had one husband, King Henry VIII. True, she was early on betrothed to another, but that came to nothing. In fact, her former betrothed sat in the jury at her trial. He voted against her for political survival, then left the court room to go outside and vomit rather violently. Anne had three (3) miscarriages while married to Henry and one surviving daughter, Queen Elizabeth I. Some of the profiles show her as the mother of Duchess Katherine de Woodville, when, in fact, her mother was Jacquetta of Luxemberg.

Geni shows my relationship to King Henry VIII as merely the husband of Anne Boleyn, whose relationship to me is woefully inaccurate. Henry is actually a 3C13R and Anne is a 5C13R.

It appears to me that careless historical errors have been posted and repeated so many times that mergers, to get to a base of accuracy, are all but impossible. I am sadly discouraged. I offer the examples above as just some of the historical innacuracies that I have personally noticed in profiles.

When anyone finds an error I have posted, I would be glad to be notified and I'll move quickly to make corrective amendments and/or deletions.

Vance Mathis

I have taken a quick look at one version of Anne Boleyn and it seems to me that if you check out the children listed they are the result of erroneous merges. I clicked on one and she was Mary Woodville i.e. not even a daughter of Henry VIII. This is just one more example of why the historical tree urgently needs to be isolated and resolved.

Well said Vance; if only people would be more careful with merging, perhaps we wouldn't see such big stacks, errors, families, etc.

Vance Barrett Mathis can you post a link to the profiles you're looking at? Perhaps some of us can start doing some clean up on them.

Noah, here is one that is in very bad shape:
Henry VIII, King of England

Noah, here is a link for Anne Boleyn that is woefully in error. She is credited with being the mother of 14 children. This one also shows her to be the mother of Katherine de Woodville. Impossible!

By the way, when you go to King Henry VIII's tree, it shows him with 10 or 12 wives. I can't imagine how this could have happened, unless someone dug up all his mistresses and tagged them to his tree. Granted, he fathered some illegitimate children. One is quite prominent -- a son of Henry and Bessie Blount. Never legitimized, of course, but claimed and groomed by the Tudor court. I don't know how these illigitimate children should be placed on Henry's tree in Geni, inasmuch as I try to stay with legitimate spouses and children. However, in my private files, I do record illigitimate children that I know about, with their mothers. In this case, they are blood kin and I want them recorded, but to do so on the regular tree produces genealogical chaos, in my opinion.

I forgot to include the Anne Boleyn link. Sorry. Here it is.
Anne Boleyn

If you use the partner facility instead of the wife option and then attach illgt children to the appropriate partner.
I'm afraid I'm not going to let myself get involved with Henry VIII though as I'm struggling to keep up with the Plantagenets because the same old errors keep reinventing themselves and new people join the fray.

Recently I stopped by the Boleyn tree and was unable to see any resemblance to the tree I had merged that had Ann Boleyn (elder married to Hayden the aunt of Ann Boleyn with all the connection to younger in place. I repaired it the best I could without the necessary collaborations, but didn't get very far after many hours. I did a bunch of unmergings.
Many on-line trees have Anne's father younger than she is, so there was that going on.
Anne Elder did have many kids. I think there also is another Anne somewhere in the tree.

I'm tagging the profiles so they'll be added to the discussion:

Henry VIII, King of England
Anne Boleyn

I was in there yesterday trying to have a cleanup. Henry had wives I've never heard of ,so I deleted quite a few relationships.

Ann Boleyn has some profiles locked down and joined to her as children by a person named ...John David Schalcosky .
Does anyone collaborate with him?
He has a range of children wit surnames of Stukely, Valois, Carey and Edwards ?????
What is going on!!!!! Any ideas on who can undo this one?

Also, Eduardo Lobo Cabral de Mello has quite a few profiles in this area.
I thought he was long gone. Can anyone resolve his merges?

Hi All,

I've just been looking at Henry's tree matches and requesting merges and collaboration with various managers of some of the profiles. Hopefully, I can then wade in and help to sort out all those phantom wives and children!

A question for Noah:
Noah, quite a lot of tree matches have managers listed who, it is patently obvious, are aliases (i.e. members of the royal family) question is, if one requests merges/collaboration from these people, will these go through in the same way as "normal" requests? Also, I have seen some with no manager named at all, along with the option to merge the profiles. But when I tried to do this on one occasion, I received an error message informing me that I do not have permission to perform the merge....why does this happen, and is there a way of working around the problem?

Hi Lynne
It is best to stay away from such "royalty & nobility" managers, and do not try to merge their profiles, it's not worth it.

Thank you, Ofir........sound advice, methinks! Would it be advisable and/or appropriate, do you think, to remove the matches even though the profiles match? At least then, they won't keep popping up in the merge issues, and I believe that if they are removed they disappear from the matches for everybody? Although I probably have hold of the wrong end of the stick here! :)

Yes please do, as I'm also removing them, in general I don't believe in using the hot matches to try and forced merges on anyone who has a similar profile to yours
In my opinion you should use the hot matches very carefully and always contact other managers first before doing such, and especially, new merges. We have enough do deal with right now, and we don't need to create any more pending merges with unresponsive managers. Whatever happened to the good old search option, oh… what progress does to us…?

I agree, Ofir. The matches are more of a hindrance than a help. I shall remove them all from the trees that I am working on. :)

Private User Every user should be associated with their actual profile. If you find a historical profile that has been claimed by someone, please send the link to so we can take appropriate action.

Thank you, Noah. I shall do this. :)

Yes, I too agree with all of this, I was asked to do a merge because my 1st cousin married the daughter of King Charles I, now I have this complete mess of duplicate people all connected around King Henry VIII.
Anyone know how I get this straightened out?


yes, that's a major problem everywhere; too few people actually use common sense & think before making a connection. And too few people know their history.
May you, Vance, continue to spread only verifiable information and may you be an influence on others.

This is why I no longer have my tree on this site there are too many people trying to claim heritage to people they think are important and thus give them some sort of fame. I tried for years to keep my tree accurate but as geni has gone on it has changed the format and rules so many times it became impossible to stop these things happening. My advice is don't put your tre on here if you want to keep it accurate.

I feel your pain Dawn - have been reluctant to try to fix, argue my point, etc., too many people merging, making new profiles, deleting sections of my tree that was accurate, claiming my profiles I added. Geni is a mess and the sad thing is these people put there trees on here without any documentation, sources or citations (not everyone mind you but the majority) and then they think they are "Royalty", like they now have verified pedigrees. Sadder yet, they think they are genealogist and this is real genealogy. I am NOT aiming this remark to those of you who do excellent work here - which there are many who love genealogy, do it right and care about geni and what the "Big Tree" reflects - it is a free for all for those who don't know what they are doing who think they do. I really miss the old geni and how things were ran before they went for the almighty profit.

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