He has a whole bunch of kids for King Henry and Ann Boleyn that shouldn't be there. If there is anybody collaborating with him that wants to tackle moving them, that would be wonderful!
Here is the tree:
Anne Boleyn
Ann only had Elisabeth and a stillborn son, that was the reason Henry wanted to divorce but couldn't. She had to die else he couldn't have a legitimate son. He had several mistresses, but their children could not inherit to the throne, and his daughters with Caterina, and Ann would not be recognized.
Vance, the Tudors and the Plantagenets are in an awful mess. I despair of ever sorting some of my own lines out because of the locked profiles...which have barely any information in them anyway, and much of this incorrect. Because of this, there are a squintillion trees connected to one person, and big splits......sigh!! :-/
Thankfully this part of the tree is in fairly good shape. That's why it was so easy to spot an error. When it is really messed up there is no way of sorting out anything...I have tried and gave up. I wish there could be a skeleton tree created that everyone collaborating in the big tree could co-manage and rebuild from scratch with the info everyone has, and we could just trash the mess of a tree.
OK, got a profile with 2 sets of parents. Anybody collaborate with J. Blake Zachary? William Stafford needs to disconnect from Thomas Cary:
Mucho thanks!!!