1) The vast majority of people who enter these trees (pretty much ANY historical tree), have NO IDEA, regarding their own profiles. In many/most cases they just did a copy-paste from some file they found on the internet. I have seen and fixed the same mistakes over and over again, very obviously from the same bad source.
2) I try to add Hebrew names, biblical sources and links to them, for all profiles I can find. I have not yet done this for all 2500+ profiles, and sometimes this information is lost or gets removed in merges. Regarding the Exilarchs (or the bridge between them and the middle ages), there are NO authoritative sources. As I said, there are at least four "official" versions. Many authorities consider this bridge to be more fantasy than fact. We more or less know the ORDER of the Exilarchs. We also know that not all were direct descendants of the one before them. Some are nephews, some are more distant cousins who married the daughter of previous Exilarch.
3) The fact that I am primary manager indicates nothing. Most of these profiles were transferred to me, in the process of merging these trees over and over again. I probably added less than 200 of them, and even those mostly for non-primary people.
4) As soon as my home internet connection is restored, I will post the two primary documents I have. One is the table I mentioned above. The other is the Enc. Judaica entry on Exilarch. An expert on this period, told me this entry was very authoritative, with one minor caveat for us - it is NOT concerned with Genealogy at all...
5) If you, or anyone else, would like to take over the job of maintaining the tree for the Exilarchs, I'll be more than happy to pass it on. As I stated on the Biblical Tree Project page ( http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Biblical_Tree_Merge ), the Exilarchs is really NOT my primary interest. I HAVE been merging identical (or almost identical) versions of this tree that came my way, if only to keep this part of the tree in minimal order. BUT there are differences in versions already there that I can't resolve.