Distant cuz: can anyone top this?

Started by Private User on Tuesday, October 19, 2010
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Showing 1-30 of 38 posts
Private User
10/19/2010 at 3:11 PM

Robert Grant Brünner is your 35th cousin 7 times removed.

and the fella replied my message too... geni.com is so amazing...

Private User
10/19/2010 at 3:17 PM

Pretty cool.

Private User
10/19/2010 at 3:33 PM

thanks maria :)

Private User
10/19/2010 at 4:05 PM

Ahmad! If Tutankhamun the Pharoah of Egypt is alive today he might even reply to your message. Try checking how you are related to him!!

Private User
10/19/2010 at 5:41 PM

Tutankhamun comes back as my 90th great-grandfather. Problem is, I can't find any sourced reference that says he had any children that were not still-born.

Private User
10/20/2010 at 1:57 AM


Private User
10/20/2010 at 3:02 AM

See Ahmad!? Have you tried? Jessiica..how are we connected then?

Private User
10/20/2010 at 3:23 AM

Tutankhamun is your second cousin 98 times removed.


Private User
10/20/2010 at 3:24 AM

hows that ever possible?

Private User
10/20/2010 at 3:26 AM

Tutankhamun, Pharaoh of Egypt

thats for the above...

Pharaoh Egypt is your 16th cousin 51 times removed.

Amentotep IV AkenAton, Pharaoh of Egypt

i wonder if i can merge these buggers

Private User
10/20/2010 at 3:31 AM

Private User

Private User
10/20/2010 at 3:31 AM

i m sure he's also related to king tut! hehe

Private User
10/20/2010 at 4:01 AM

Betule Sairafi is your 30th cousin 9 times removed.

Betule Sairafi

Private User
10/20/2010 at 4:03 AM

Flemming Allan Funch

Flemming Funch is your 44th cousin 29 times removed. he almost like king tut to me hehe

Private User
10/20/2010 at 4:05 AM

i feel like we r all one big family with so many cuz heheh

10/20/2010 at 6:10 AM

We are! Geni hasn't gotten back to me yet with our degree of relationship, which just means you need to build your tree more. :)

Private User
10/20/2010 at 1:34 PM

Mohamed, there isn't a path yet. Maybe there will be when more merges are completed.

Private User
10/20/2010 at 1:36 PM

Robert Grant Brünner is your 20th cousin once removed.

Private User
10/20/2010 at 7:13 PM

Oh, hey, that's me!

10/20/2010 at 8:08 PM

I love knowing we can find how we are all related. It is cool knowing Nefertiti is my 53rd great grandmother. What is even better is knowing how we are each related and THAT we are!
Love to all!
Your distant cuz, Dez

Private User
10/22/2010 at 1:47 PM

I am stunned! My profile says I am connected to 46,304,940 people! You must all be too since we are 'related'. 100,000 blood relatives. Beginning to sound like we have a common ancestor as prolific as Genghiz Khan! Wonder if we are related to him as well?

10/22/2010 at 1:52 PM

Welcome to the Big Tree!

I heard from someone that 10% of the world's population is descended from Genghiz Khan. It is more likely you're in that 10% than I am. :)

Private User
10/22/2010 at 2:00 PM

Thank you and a big welcome to you too Erica!

Just checked. There is no path at the moment. Genghis Khan has more descendents throughout all the STANS (pakiSTAN, afghaniSTAN, kazakhSTAN etc) right into Europe so you never know!

Private User
10/22/2010 at 3:31 PM

кан ГАБДУЛА ЧЕЛБИР is your 38th cousin 24 times removed.

Khan Chelbir was one of the most famous Rulers of Volga Bulgaria. He was a grandson of Khan Shamkun. The father of Chelbir was the Bulgarian Khan Otek in the period 1164-1178. When Chelbir succeeded the power, he moved the Capital of Volga Bulgaria to the town of Biliar. The times were very unstable. On the east the mongol-tatar hordes were rising. Chelbir understood what a threat are the Mongols. He tried to enstorng Volga Bulgaria and to unite all the klans in the country. The Khan smoothen the relations between the old Bulgar pagans and the other faiths In the Country. In his ruling Chelbir built 40 new fortresses on the east border. The ruler ordered new defences to be made and the people were expecting trouble. Chelbir also made changes in the structure of the army. It consisted of constant forces, and “people resistance”. The Khan was a man of the people, and very manly one. He was ready to meet the danger of the east. To secure his back, Chelbir initiated signing of piece treaties on the west border. In 1223, the troops of the Mongols, after smashing the alans, Georgians and kipchaks, appeared in the south Russian steps. Here on river Kalka, they defeated an Russian army and went back to their steppes on the northern coast of Caspian Sea. Then they crossted the southern drift of Volga and attacked Volga Bulgaria. It was spring. Bulgarians were on their farms. When they heard of the mongol invasion, the bulgar army jumped on them. The battle was around the town of Kernek. This is close to the today Stara Sahcha town in Ulianovska district. And here, in the spring of 1223 the battle happened. Chelbir used his ancient way of fight. At first Bulgarians started to retreat. Happy of the victory the Mongols started a pursuit. This way Bulgarians trapped them into ambush. This story is written by Ibn-Al-Asir, who lived from 160-1233. His text is also quoted in the “history of Chuvasia. “The had lay wait for an ambush, then they appeared against them(the Mongols), meet them, and allured them. After the Mongols arrived in the ambush, they were attacked from all sides, as they stayed in the middle. Only a few of the Mongols survived”. This is the first defeat of the Mongols, who were believed to be invincible to that moment, and dreamed of conquering the world. The first to tell the story of the victory were the citizens of Kernel. This way the genius Khan Chelbir saved the people of Volga Bulgaria and the West from a great Threat – the mongol horde. Soon after that Chelbir passed away. To be exact in the year of 1225.

he's a khan! probably related to genghis khas

Private User
10/22/2010 at 3:36 PM

You are connected to 46,316,724 people on Geni.

i feel this number rising all the time, i recalled it as being in the 30 million not so long ago... so distant cuz figures must be rising hehe

Private User
10/22/2010 at 6:48 PM

My stats -- You are connected to 46,357,835 people on Geni. Looks like you are missing 60 cousins or so.

Private User
10/22/2010 at 10:33 PM

u mean 60 "thousand" hehe

Private User
10/22/2010 at 10:34 PM

You are connected to 46,361,433 people on Geni.

hmmm, its up again tho

Private User
10/23/2010 at 6:07 AM

Well, math is not my strong point, as you can see. I even showed this conversation to my husband, who is very good with math (accounting background) and HE didn't catch it either.

Private User
10/23/2010 at 9:19 AM

thats fine, it happens to the best of us hehe

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