I am pretty sure that she was illegitimate and the Shipley relation isn't correct, and then that opens up the issue that Abraham was also. There is a lot of very good info about that, that he was actually born a couple of years earlier than what was stated, that he is older than his sister, his sister also was illegitimate, because Thomas Lincoln was sterile. Abe's son destroyed his fathers papers after he died so no one would know the truth.
So was Enloe his father and Calhoun his grandfather?
I feel pretty certain on Nancy being illegitimate as well. Her mother, Lucy, was apparently tried on fornication charges in 1791, from what I found online, and it was probably her marriage with Henry Sparrow that saved her from punishment.
In any case, this is one of those stories that screams "get me documentation"... anything without reasonably verifiable documentation should be treated as rumor. (Personally, when I create rumors, I prefer to include space aliens... but that's another story.)
I'm going to work on building the lineage from Jacob Hanks upward out of my family tree, and then try to figure out where Lucy and her three sisters might fit into that. As far as I'm concerned, there is still miles of void between Lucy and Jacob's ancestry.
In the overall hunt, probably the best next step is to determine who Lucy's parents were (you probably will never figure out who "Unknown Virginia Farmer" is... like the traveling Hoover salesman of 150 years later, he's gone... DNA testing might find him, but certainly not cyber-sleuthing).
Meanwhile, I must go hunt for groceries down the hill. That's my personal best next step...
The Hanks / Hankins / Hawkins Families Project is open for business:
Let me know if you want in and I'm getting started adding Profiles.
Hi Daniel:
I'd oppose disconnecting her from all parents. I mean, is there another source that places her mother as not Lucy? I'd definitely suggest "projectizing" Lucy (making her open to editing) and the "parent" I placed up there.
Open to hearing out the other parent options of course. I'm more interested in the real story of Nancy's ancestry than any one version (though there are some versions that sound more realistic at this stage than others).
And of course, Erica, 'Hanks for the project... :)
There were a ton of "Nancy Shipley" connections as her mother. I tried to delete all of the non-Lucy connections but ended up removing all of them. We can reconnect when we decide what the tree should look like.
Just to make things more clear, read this:
Hi Daniel:
Appreciated the article from Genealogy Today. It still seems to leave intact that Lucy was grandmother, and that grandfather was a "Virginia Farmer or Planter". The main points of contention seem to be when Nancy was born, potential siblings for Nancy in North Carolina, and attempts by Lincoln biographers to create a saccharine version of the Hanks family history for Robert Lincoln. Didn't really see where "Nancy Shipley" connects into it. But I'm still getting started in all this...
Again, my thanks for the article. Still a proponent of reconnecting Lucy and Unknown Virginia Farmer...
I anyone wants to help stack profiles in Ab Lincoln's family-group:
And the fun never ends... this looked possibly useful:
Another interesting resource:
Really wishing that "The Hanks Family of Virginia and Westward" by Adin Baber was online...