I was working merges in the project and noticed this. The MP says Benedict Arnold V, son of Benedict III and father of Benedict VI...somewhere we have skipped Benedict IV, not sure if a typo or what.
There are 6 pending merges...I will deny the bad ones I find, but leave the rest.
I didn't deny any of the merges...this one might explain some things tho. It has Benedict V as son of III and BROTHER of IV!
Keep in mind that some folks do not 'require' that numbering same-named persons must be in a parent-child relationship, but simply chronological in the same family/lineage.
So it makes sense to me that one can have a "III" with two sons "IV" and "V", particularly when the "IV" died before the "V" was born --- and thus one would see a "direct descendants only" lineage of "III" --> "V" --> "VI".
I added a Curator note on the "V" profile to help clarify ...