Aleric (Alerik?)(of the Viseracs?) @ 400 ad who sacked Rome

Started by Marvin Caulk, (C) on Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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2/22/2011 at 2:28 PM

The Dark Ages - Part 1 - The Sacking of Rome

Refers to Aleric (Alerik?)(of the Viseracs?) @ 400 ad who sacked Rome.

Can someone point me to the correct profile so I can attch the movie to it?

Private User
2/22/2011 at 2:49 PM

Hi Marvin:

He could certainly still use some improvement (still has modern placenames for his birth and death locations), but he's of the Visigoths, and he's at:

Alaric the Goth, king of the Visigoths

2/22/2011 at 3:16 PM

Private User@ben

Thanks, dates match the movie even. Must be a first.

Private User
2/22/2011 at 5:06 PM

With regard to modern place names in birth and death locations:

I came across a whole load of ancient profiles (before the start of the current common era) with birth or death in British Columbia, Canada.

It made no sense - I removed those locations.

I have since realised how it may have happened - it's what Geni suggests if you put "BC" into a location field rather than a date field!

Private User
2/22/2011 at 6:09 PM

David, we curators had a good laugh a while back about BC profiles. Similarly, a lot of people died in Y (user probably thought he/she was marking "Yes" for are they dead?

Евелина Май
2/23/2011 at 1:34 AM

Мечтал об iPad? Получи его. Пусть о твоём таланте фотографа узнает весь мир, а компания Air France-KLM поможет в этом. Купи билет, зарегистрируйся для участия и ты в игре.

Евелина Май
2/23/2011 at 1:35 AM

Любишь путешествовать и фотографироваться? Тогда ты уже в игре, просто купи билет и зарегистрируйся. Компания Air France-KLM разыгрывает iPad. Вперёд!

Евелина Май
2/23/2011 at 1:35 AM

Путешествуешь по миру вместе с Air France-KLM? Фотографируешь? Прими участие в игре, просто купив билет. Главный приз iPad.

2/23/2011 at 9:37 AM

All right Ipad ads in russian. Must be a bot

2/23/2011 at 9:50 AM

The BC and Y in the death field is a left over from a GEDCOM. Programs like FTM will only mark a profile as deceased if there is something in yhe field. So if you don;t know the date/place you place a "Y" in the field to force the software into showing that the person is deceased.

Also the use of BC will have the program looking fo a correct location of birth/death. The program will ask if you mean British Columbia if you answer yes, it will then ask if you want ALL BC locations to be Changed to British Columbia, if you answer yes the program will change all.

Some other things common are if you have a profile that was born in NY and you change NY to Kingston, NY, it will ask if you want to change all to Kingston, NY if you answer yes then you will have all kinds of people that are now from Kingston, NY,

Private User
2/23/2011 at 1:21 PM

Our spammer is showing up on several public discussions. I have reported her. Geesh! A Russian I-Pad? I think not!

Private User
3/17/2011 at 4:18 PM

What about an American iPad given away by a Russian? Purchased in British Columbia? Y?

Geni is reporting Alaric as my 46th great grandfather:

According to the Testing for Fake Medieval and Ancient Lines project, that's not supposed to happen.

I have too many irons in the fire to tackle this right now. I'm mentioning it here in case someone else has the time and inclination to chase it.

6/24/2018 at 12:34 AM
6/11/2019 at 10:50 PM

Alaric the Goth, king of the Visigoths

Would say first 20 generations ok, but after that who knows? Can’t be, I guess the GENI Gods
he can’t be my direct 40th GGF! He has no proven direct.

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